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Okay been wondering about King Sombra main voice actor would be if he has more line and is still living. I would to hear your idea who would main voice actor work fit for King Sombra. my is Liam O'Brien

Benedict Cumberbatch. I'd go with that.

I cannot help but think of a powerful, commanding and charismatic voice, but I doubt they would be able to grab sir Christopher Lee... :twilightsheepish:

3747669 Here are some ideas

Clancy Brown - he voiced Neo Cortex in the PS1 Crash Bandicoot games, Lex Luthor from the DC Animated series and Long Feng from Avatar the Last Airbender among other works.
Kevin Michael Richardson - Deep voice, wide range of villains from Sarevok in Baldur's Gate, the Joker in The Batman, and countless others.
Corey Burton - A perfect stand in for Christopher Lee, his voice holds power. I can also see him voicing Starswirl the Bearded.
Steve Blum - Gruff and menacing to cunning and decietful, Transformers Prime Starscream, Wolverine in various animated Marvel shows ect.

Jeremy Irons:

Christopher Lee:

Ralph Fiennes:

3747669 Why Mr. O'Brien? Cause he voiced Gaara in the english dub for Naruto Shippuden?

3747866 I haven't watch Naruto but I have heard his voice acting in final fantasy 13-2 where he voice act for Caius.

3748030 He did this:

3748175 tell you the truth I kinda imagin Sombra having a tragic hero voice. Have a much deeper voice what he did with caius.

Benedict Cumberbatch if you wanted him to have a voice that was deep and rich, or Tim Curry if you wanted him to have a voice that was still deep and evil, but much more sultry.

Cumberbatch's Voice:

Curry's Voice:

3747669 Frank Welker comes to mind. He's voiced plently of antagonists, including Megatron, Galvatron, Soundwave, and Dr. Claw to name a few. His voice for Megatron in Transformers Prime would be a pretty good fit for Sombra if you wanted him to sound menacing.

3747834 Corey Burton also voiced Shockwave in the G1 Transformers cartoon.

Scott Mcniell, using his Chaos Sorcerer voice from either the original Dawn of War or the second.

I say James Spader, who plays Ultron in the upcoming Avengers movie.

3747669 Crispin Freeman

His voice acting in Code Geass was brilliant. And it fits well into my idea of him being extremely loyal to a cause even if it on the side of evil.

And Showing that he will only gloat when he actually won.

Plus he plays the Voice of Itachi in Naruto, so he can pull the fallen hero, too.

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