King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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I don't know how many of y'all have already seen this but according to what I've read this is suppose to be an origin story for our little king :pinkiesmile:


4001199 Finally, we can read about his origin, and the great part is that it's canon, eh. :pinkiehappy:


Ahhhh fuck, everyone prepare to have their stories' headcanon rendered obsolete.

4001398 Pffff. Alternate realities. You have to think in four dimensions.:pinkiecrazy:

Finally! I'm ready!

B-but... I had a good one... It took days to complete... but I want to read it... It's going to be so cool... *Breaks down sobbing from conflicting emotions* Why!!!

4001199 this is the greatest thing ever! I'm so happy!


4001199 This feels like all the wins. I've refrained from writing Sombra because it's such a pain to make it feel right since I need to rip through the target audience filter without sounding too much like a fanatic. This will give me ideas and solve a few balancing issues in case I want to dust an old idea off. It turns things upside-down for a bittersweet tale of romance for our never safe for kids villain.

The release date for this wonderful origin story, my friends and fellow followers of the King, is April 1st, 2015, strangely enough. I assume since it will be released on that date that others will believe his origin story a joke, but here's to hoping it's not.

This isn't canon. Nothing IDW does is canon to the show. So no matter how good this is, it will not be canon to the show, and we can be free to continue with our own headcanons for His Majesty.

That front cover is...Sombra's face when he has to take an elevator instead of the stairs. :twilightsmile:

Our lord and savior is here!

April 1st. Nope, not kidding, it really is.

4011756 I will find someway to read it! And reading it would be great way celebrate my birthday. (April 7th. I don't care if anyone knows when my birthday is.)

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