King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Why has no one made a romance story about cadance falling in love with sombra? He could corrupt her like the twilight fics, it can be alternate universe where she never marries shining armor or she could just cheat/leave shining for Sombra. I'm just surprised no one took up this challenge. What do you all think?:pinkiesmile:


hmmm... you, good sir/madame, have given me an idea

4022744 well if you do anything with that idea let me know :twilightsmile:

4023063 then I would love to see something like that also. I just wanna see more of a relationship between those two then fuck you cadenza or your a criminal sombra

4023165 :rainbowhuh: uhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmm lol nope :twilightsmile:

4023301 what issue? Why I wanna see more Sombra x Cadance.... Idk I never seen one where they actually have a relationship of sorts romantically or siblings or even friends so I just wanna see that :pinkiesmile:

4022742 I'm joining you on that. I just started a story like that.

4025786 nice let me know when you put out a chapter

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