King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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Before I start, I'd like to acknowledge that I've already presented this concept in two other threads in this forum and I apologize if it seems repetitive. I'm making this thread because it's been a while and no one seems to have commented since then. I just want others opinions.

So, how likely is it that King Sombra is connected to the Diamond Dogs? I ask this question for various reasons.

Reason One: Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are both said to be inspired by characters from The Lord of the Rings.

Reason Two: I've only seen 'A Dog and Pony Show' once, but I remember them having interest in both slavery or oppression, and crystals or gems. Just like King Sombra!

Reason Three: King Sombra is an evil king who lacks minions, and the Diamond Dogs are a lot like the minions of some dark lord.

Reason Four: It would make the Diamond Dogs much more interesting this way.

So what do you all think ?

It actually sounds really cool. A bunch of brutes to enforce the kings rule. I can see this working and I'm surprised I haven't seen a story using this in some way. Then again I only read romance. :P

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