King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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A fanvideo about a possible origin for Sombra.

4091083 Saw this many months ago. Looks like the comics will finally be exploring Sombra's actual origins, but this portrayal was certainly an interesting one.

4091083 I saw this while looking up Mirror's Edge. Huh.

Bruh, this came out over a year ago, right?

I saw this a few weeks back, and I absolutely love it. Not only does it present a solid and heartbreaking backstory for Sombra, it also uses "Still Alive" by Lisa Miskovsky, the main theme from the game Mirror's Edge, which is one of my favourite games of all time, and one of the most beautiful themes I've heard in a game.

it make sombra die as a hero. very sad.

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