King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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I (finally) read the IDW "Reflections" story arc. It was good, but I think there were a few pacing issues that naturally came along with the comic format. When I was done reading it, my first thought was, "I want to read the fanfic version."

Do you guys know if anyone has written a novelization of this story?

If not, then I think I know my summer project...

4094958 I don't honestly know of any novelizations exist for the IDW comics in general.

4094958 I wouldn't post it here. That can and will be considered plagiarism, especially if you use their dialogue..


Hm... Good point. Oh, well. Fun thought while it lasted. :rainbowlaugh:

Quite a shame, though. It could have been such an excellent novel.

4094958 I have created a shipping group for that arc if you look there you may find a sequel here theLink

First of all, that arc was stinking depressing.


Hm... Good point. Oh, well. Fun thought while it lasted. :rainbowlaugh:
Quite a shame, though. It could have been such an excellent novel.

A better option would be to create a sequel to the arc. Or to completely re-imagine the concept of alternate universe SombraXCelestia.

Like, when Celestia faced Sombra Prime, what was going through her head? What if Sombra Prime and Good Sombra met? What if Malestia was just faking being turned to good while corrupting Good Sombra with her influence? The possibilities, as always, are endless...

And most don't require plagiarism to pull off. :rainbowwild: Novelizations only work in the real world because of character licensing, which we amateurs have none of.

4094958 Novelizing is against site rules. I'd love to read a novelized arc of the show though.
Anyone know where I could find one that's hopefully not a pink pop-up book?

4095107 Seriously? Her name was Malestia? That sounds WAAAAY too close to something else...

5001948 Malestia is evil fan version of Celestia, and yes it similarness to that word is no coincidence, it's part of the joke. Or at least that what I been told.

4094958 It's not a novelization, but if you want a good sequel and happy ending (heh, I'm a sucker for them, though a heart-breaking ending is also good for the soul!), Gray--Day did a richly illustrated, amazing comic called, Of Kings and Changelings over on deviantart. I highly recommend it!

Man, almost a year later, and I'm still getting responses. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks, HKS! It looks awesome! I'll check it out sometime in the very near future.

5036280 Great. Let us know what you think of it when you do!

4094958 Not novelization but a ton of fanfics on this website :)

Thanks! I'll keep looking for them. I haven't read the new comic arc, but I'm looking forward to it. :pinkiehappy:

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