King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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What would King Sombra be like if he embodied all of your fears?

4139053 a badass.....oh wait he already is :moustache:


A cliff, and a spider. *shudder* fear or heights and arachnephobia

Oh. And he likes stairs

An inescapable prison.

Someone who traps me in a creepy room with no way out and wants to butcher me alive... *shudder*

4139053 Just a ball of criticism. There's really nothing I fear more.

Yet I write stories to be judged by strangers on this site...

*looks out window to reconsider life choices*

4139053 Me

I fear myself more than anything else...

Any fears that I may have boil down to one simple phobia; death. I fear the nothingness that comes after death. (I'm agnostic, and therefore don't believe in any concept of an afterlife) Therefore, all he'd have to do is threaten to kill me and I'd be a blubbering, quivering mess on the floor.

I'm a coward, but at least I admit it.

A crossover of my fader, a big spider, a cockroach and a monster from a movie i have once seen that would throw spiders in my hair and say the things i know are true but that hurt so much.He would scream all this bad stuff to me and then take me to a party full of everybody i have ever loved but they would not be able to see me and they would ignore me, and then he would show me a future where i live on the street, not successful at all and disgustingly obese without any friends because they did not want to be my friends anymore and with five cats.... Oh god, i must get my brain checked!:pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowderp:

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