King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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How believable do you think it would be for King Sombra to be capable of cursing his enemies with a phobia?

For example, cursing Twilight with a phobia of friendship. Or cursing anypony for that matter, with a fear of their special talent.

It's a phobia, so it can be anything imaginable, and doesn't have to make sense.

I never really gave it much thought but it sounds reasonable.

Sound like something he would do.

Sounds like a cool idea.

4164213 Believable? Absolutely. Pretty much the only thing we know about Sombra is how he deals in fear.

Interesting is another story, though. Phobias are horrible things to have to deal with and giving someone a phobia of themselves or something they stand for can make you a little stuck. It does sound like something Sombra could and would do but you need to be sure giving one of your characters a phobia will move the story forward, instead of delay it.

If giving a character a phobia will make the story more interesting, the character more challenged, and the climax and resolution of the story have more weight, go for it. If it will add a challenge on top of other ones to delay the inevitable, never or barely come into the story, or disable a character's ability to participate in the story, it might be best to avoid.

4164213 anything dealing with darkness fits Sombra so curses, possession, hypnotism, mind control all that jazz seems like something he can do.....except voodoo that's just dumb:pinkiesmile:

Well I imagine he would do two things with this ability.

1. He would manipulate his enemies into being his pawns, by exploiting these very phobias. Like cause distrust amongst different nations, who would otherwise unite together against him.

2. Cripple his enemies moral by filling there hearts with doubt, insecurity, paranoia, hatred, depression, and of course, fear.

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