King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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Okay, so in this idea, Sombra is actually a being made of pure emotion created from the Crystal Heart by the emotions of the entire Crystal Empire to protect them from outside threats.

The reason he's all anger, hate, and fear? The version we saw was created during an Equestrian occupation of the Empire and they were understandably pissed off at and terrified of the Equestrians.

4164558 that would be interesting but you would need a good reason why he became a tyrant of his own kingdom

This would be an AU.

In this story pretty much everything Celestia told Twilight was a lie. Equestria wanted the Crystal Empire, but there was one big problem, Sombra.

Sombra didn't control the Empire, he was their security system. The reason he goes after Twilight and her allies is because if they get the Crystal Heart, the security system turns off and the Equestrians can take over with no resistance.

4164638 are you gonna make this story?

Perhaps. At the moment it's just a plot bunny.

4164717 ok but how would you describe him would he be an entity or a unicorn? If you go the entity route you could back that up with his whole shadow misty form. And would Celestia be evil then? Or would it be a necessary evil where she thought long ago that the empire united under their rule would give them better protection with the elements of harmony?

He's somewhere between an entity and an actual unicorn. The more focused he is, and the emotions that made him, the more unicornlike he becomes. Otherwise he's an enormous disjointed mass of magical power like he was in the beginning.

It's kind of like focusing light through a magnifying glass. The result is smaller, but way more intense.

As for Celestia being evil. I'm kind of biased in that area since I already think she's kind of evil, but like any real world invading tyrant, she probably believes she has good reasons for what she's doing. That doesn't make it right or justified however, especially to the victims.

She believes what she is doing is for the good of everyone and since the Crystal Empire was banished when she and Luna weren't able to fully defeat Sombra, there's no one left to disagree with her.

4164807 would it be a romance?

4165252 awwww but romance makes it all better:applecry:

4164604 As the old adage goes: Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

If he, a creature of pure hatred, was given power, he would be corrupted from a strong protector to a tyrant ruler.

Nope! :rainbowwild:

Or maybe Celestia touched the Crystal Heart and her desire to take over the Empire leaked into him. Ooh! That's a good idea, I'll use that. :pinkiehappy:


I like that idea, though I counterattack that idea with my own idea as a wild headcanon appears! Pokemon jokes anyone? Through a recent comic released by IDW, It is revealed Luna, and maybe Celestia, used to banish ponies to the arctic north when they commit a crime. Now it is here I believe Sombra rallied the dying ponies who were forced out of Equestria to create the Crystal Empire! The crystal heart was created by Sombra and the love from the ponies empowered it! Unless someone already beat me to this, in which case..... Sad face. :(

That is an amazing idea!

Is that comic for real? That's messed up!

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