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AKA: Calming the Storm Before it Starts

As we're aware, April marks the beginning of Season 5, starting on April 4th

However, it also marks the latest Arc in the IDW comic series.

"Fiendship is Magic" will consist of five parts, focusing on the show's "five main antagonists": Sombra, Tirek, the Sirens, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis.

the first part- about Sombra- will be available on April 8th, while the last - Chrysalis- will be on April 29th.

From the interviews I've seen, the comics will show:


Tirek- More Centaurs, Scorpan

Sirens- transparent Greek/Roman- style togas

Nightmare Moon- Not Revealed

Chrysalis- Not revealed

Now, not surprisingly, i'm cautious about this... mostly because the site will explode with blogs and forum posts about them when it happens, along with arguments.

Considering the comics are considered SUBJECTIVE canon (aka, you choose what's canon and what isn't when it comes to them), I don't see the supposed "origins" as a huge deal. If you choose to believe they're canon, fine, if not, that's okay.

the fact is, this may help a lot of people on the site, but at the same time, due to what I said previously, and I can't stress this enough, YOUR HEADCANON WILL NOT BE RUINED BY THIS. (i'm not yelling, i'm emphasizing that part).

So, given this, what are your thoughts on how these new comics will affect all of us?


Just like with the other Sombra comic, it will give us more fuel to write Sombra fics based on some sort of canon instead of just our imaginations. For how long Sombra has been a mystery, it is only natural for there to be enough headcanon about him that almost no matter what they include in the comics, it will merely be taken as fact for future fics only, and not alter previous fics (as you've already said).

I might actually buy that comic just because seeing Sombra get a background comic almost made me fangasm all over my calender, though I recall putting the date for it on like, April 1st instead of the 8th. If it has been changed from the last time I looked it up, I better get on altering that before I end up really trolled on the 1st of April. :pinkiesad2:

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