King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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A human ends up in the Crystal Empire, gravely injured with no memory. He meets a ghost of a unicorn who also remembers nothing about when he was alive.

The ghost merges with the human, restoring him to full health and giving the ghost a vessel.

They travel the land of the crystal empire, searching for items and places from their pasts, regaining memories as they do. With each memory, they also remember skills they possessed in their previous lives, which is good considering nearly everything they meet attacks them on sight.

King Sombra being the Big Bad, in addition to being more like Sauron, and Human in Equestria? YES! :rainbowkiss:

I would totally read that. :pinkiehappy:

Though I never played Shadow of Mordor. So I'm going to buy and play it to understand.


Well, not quite. It was actually Sombra who combined with the human. In Shadow of Mordor, you team up with a ghost to fight the armies of Sauron.

I actually have another fic planned for Sauronbra.

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