King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Are there any fanfics were the crystal ponies attempt a rebellion against King Sombra?

So far, I've always seen them portrayed as just spineless victims. So why not add a realistic mindset to his slaves?

4180553 Actually, from the show's canon, it would make more sense for them to stay enslaved to him as they're already mindfucked in the present. If you're simply looking for a more realistic fight against Sombra, there is possibly my fic Crystal Knight that features Sombra after winning at the Crystal Empire then having to fight the Equestrian army, or at least will when it updates, or one set in the past, pre mindfucking.

4180553 there was a fic a fic like that after he took control they 'Tried' to revolt.......didn't work out so well:twilightsheepish:

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