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I've always been slightly bothered at how King Sombra was technically in control over one city. It just seemed so minor and insignificant. Especially in comparison to Discord ruling all of Equestria.

But after listening to the Protomen, and how Wily controlling one city didn't hurt in any ways, I've realized that King Sombra shouldn't be considered any lesser for his similar domain of influence.

So yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest. Any ways, what do you think?

4180592 I think it is more then that. First off, though all we see of the Crystal Empire is one city, I always consider it larger then that because of the name. However, discounting that, there is also the fact that the city is huge and made up of a resource that would be invaluable to anyone. Crystal. And not just any crystal. From what we've seen done with this stuff, it is strong. Strong enough to make buildings and eve castles out of. Imagine how tough that shit would be to break in combat. Not only that, but he entirely enslaves them, meaning he could get them to get him more materials, become soldiers, and invade just one more town. Kind of like Germany honestly at the start of World War 2, just Checkoslovakia was spared from being used to sate his appetite.

A tyrants, a tyrant, even if he only owns one city and not an entire county. :raritywink:

Well, the thing is: Sombra took over the Crystal Empire. Of which is possibly must've been some sort of importance if they built it in the middle of a bloody snow driven wasteland of which most things wouldn't survive coming to the Crystal Empire on foot, paw, claw or hove.

It may be the same thing with Dr.Wily and his bots. I mean, look around you there are actual sentient robots and weapons that could easily level the place! Either it has a strong military connection, or the whole city is a mass producer of... weapons?

(Sorry but I don't think my opinion is credible in this because of the lack of information on how the city looked liked, but It may have been also a Metropolis... Sooooo, possibility?)

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