King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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After finding out that a large percentage of Chinese are direct descendants of Genghis Kahn, I thought of something.

What if Equestrians discovered that a significant portion of ponies were directly descended from King Sombra, including the Mane Six?

Well, Numbers like these arent Tooo helpful. After all, If you go back to the age of charlemagne, with the logic of every person have had two parrents, and each of those two had two parrents and such, You will find more direct ancestors than there has ever existed human beings.
So... Technically, Everyone in Equestria could very well be related to Sombra. :twilightsheepish:

True, but I don't mean just related, I mean they can trace their family tree right back to him.

I figured it could be like a running gag that he really around.

The entire unicorn nobility and most of Canterlot being his descendants, Blueblood's entire family tree on both his mother and father's sides, about 1/5 ponies of any given group, a small percentage of Saddle Arabians, the first recorded hippogriff being his child with a griffon queen, and so on.

And all of this is discovered before he comes back.

It is not that I want to burst your bubble, but if you trace your Direct line back to the age of around Charlemagne, which is to us around 1300 years, You as a person, has more direct ancestors than has ever existed human beings.

I like the idea! But I just have a feeling that the empericism of Twilight might be a bit like "Why worry? We would all be just as related to Sombra as I would be to Clover the Clever, or Starswirl."

I get what you are saying, but that's different.

I get that all the bloodlines cross after a while, but I'm talking a direct line from parent to child, not, "Oh I shared an ancestor with Sombra," or, "My ancestor was his cousin."

It's one thing to be distantly related to a historical figure, it's quite another for him to be your several times great grandfather.

But that is the thing, You always will be directly related to said person, if you go back far enough. That is the math of it, as of Each Person has two parrents, and those two parrents each have two parrents. All ofthese people will be your direct ancestors. Cutting off one line in favour of another, seems rather relative...

I might just be parroting something I have read. Sorry, for bringing Cynicism to the table :twilightblush:

It has nothing to do with cynicism. I completely understand what you are saying, no need to repeat it, but I'm not talking about "if you go back far enough." by that logic, any historical figure past a thousand years is my ancestor. They aren't, I may be distantly related to them somehow but I am not their direct descendant. I am talking about a direct line from parent to child leading back to one guy.

The "there would be more ancestors than there have ever been people" thing means that everyone is related, but the way you're applying it doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying.

Here's the deal, Genghis Kahn being the ancestor of so many people is so astonishing because he would have had to have fathered hundreds of children according to genealogists because these people aren't distantly related to him, it's a direct line.

That's what I mean.

Right then!
I really dont know much of anything about real geneology details, I just worked on what i semi knew, and that really wasnt much.:twilightblush:

I would like to see what you´d do with this idea in an actual story though.
I have a Sombra story i also work on, but I dont work on the decendant strategy and more of a determanistic and sort of twist of fate vibe.
I would like to read your idea though :twilightsmile:

Right, sorry I got a little heated there. Being misunderstood and not being able to properly convey what I mean to someone is one of my pet peeves.

Would you like to hear more about the idea?

Of course! It is interesting! :pinkiehappy:
Speak up, for the love of Asgård, Speak up and spread your ideas! :rainbowdetermined2:

Okay, so Twilight Sparkle does some digging into Equestria's history and finds out that a lot has been changed or made up.

Sombra wasn't called Sombra until long after he was banished. His real name was Clover the Clever, the son of Princess Platinum and Starswirl the bearded.

During his life, Clover became known as an insatiable lady's man, taking any and every opportunity he could find to bed a female. He was known to have had many relationships with both ponies and other species. He was also confirmed to have fathered the first hippogriff, a pony/griffon hybrid, with the reigning queen of the griffons at that time.

There are even rumors that he had frequent relations with wild horses, the pony equivalent of a gorilla, but since these rumors didn't start until Celestia and Luna's rule began they are very likely propaganda, though he never seemed to deny it.

When he was finally convinced by his parents to settle down in his late-thirties he took six wives, two from each race of ponies. Both of the unicorns were his immediate cousins, though that was common during that time period, and one of the pegasi was the legendary Commander Hurricane, whom he was said to have had a particular fondness for. Even then it's said he would frequently invite servants to spend the night with the seven of them.

Though it seems that even he had certain lines he wouldn't cross. He is quoted as having turned down three mares in his life, all for the same reason. Chancellor Puddinghead, Celestia, and Luna. When asked what his reasons where, he said, "As my parents told me, never get in bed with crazy."


What if Equestrians discovered that a significant portion of ponies were directly descended from King Sombra, including the Mane Six?

Wow, King Sombra most have really got some in his day, eh?

Yeah, he was a manhoe.

And the fact that a lot of the mares are his several times great granddaughters isn't about to slow him down now that he's back.

For more information about how much he got around, see my comment directly above yours.

4183205 That's the most golden headcanon I have ever yet seen. It's glorious.


I had a lot more but it got kinda sad and I wanted this to be a comedy so I'm thinking of making that a different story.

Anyway, the point is that a great deal of ponies, Saddle Arabians, griffons, and more owe their existence to a being Celestia would have them believe is pony Hitler.

4183281 Well, he did seemed like he grew mad with either power or dark magic.

Naw, he was just pissed that his empire was being occupied by an enemy country and they were keeping him out. Obviously. :trollestia:

So, any headcannons that you may or may not do with this kind of idea? Someone else taking King Sombra's powers,or kingdom? Everyone freaking out when a Sombra look alike pops up?

Not sure what you mean.

With this idea of that pretty much everyone being related to Sombra, what are your plans o do with this in your personal story/ headcannon?

Well, I was planning on Twilight finding Sombra/Clover the Clever's journal, along with numerous letters and records, through which she starts piecing together a rather different history than what Equestrians have been taught.

After reading so many passages in the diary about his conquests, she gets curious and starts checking genealogy records, and finds that a large portion of ponies, and a few non ponies, can call Sombra their direct ancestor.

The "secret history" stuff would mostly be in later chapters when he's getting older and more serious, but also close to the return of the Crystal Empire and Sombra himself.

4183205 WRITE THIS! WRITE IT NOW!!!!:pinkiehappy:

I'm planning on it.

It means a lot. :eeyup:

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