King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Does anypony know of stories where King Sombra is Twilight Sparkle's father? This thread will serve as a place to post them. So that they can be then put on ther proper folders of this group.

4185999 If there are, I haven't heard of them yet.

Comment posted by Maexam deleted Mar 20th, 2015

4186003 I know of the story "Born Treacherous". Where Nightmare Moon and King Sombra are Twilight's parents. But that's it. Oh well. Hopefully there are more stories like that just waiting to be found.

4185999 In the Sun Shadow is one where Celestia and mirrorverse Sombra is Twilight child.

4186493 Thank you for replying. But I already knew that one.

>>Maexam well I am writing a fiction about this topic. if you would like, I can comment again when I have chapter one posted. :twilightblush:

4187081 sorry read comment above ^^^^^^^^^:derpytongue2:

4185999 Well there is one but Sombra & Luna are her ancestors. It's called Her Dark Inheritance if your interested.

4196030 Hmmm... Interesting! Please so do!

4196509 Sounds interesting. Got a link?

4200204 Wow! Nice find there!

4205997 Appreciated.

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