King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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He does it as a joke at first, playing around with Cadance.

But as time goes by, he starts wearing it more and more, and his personality begins to change.

Cadance liked the changes at first. He was more passionate, determined. He'd grind through an entire day's work by lunch and either spend the rest of the day with her, training the guards, or in the library, learning new spells.

But things quickly head south.

4200783 What's this all aboot, eh!?

Huh? What'cha mean? :rainbowhuh:

4200803 You writing a fanfic or something, eh?

Thinking about it.

4200827 Do it for the funzies, eh.

I just may.

I've always enjoyed the idea of Shining Armor getting possessed by Sombra.

4200833 Do it for the dark gods, eh!

Fine, I'll find a way to squeeze it in between the dozens of other fics I have planned.

Damn I'm lazy. :ajsleepy:

Sounds like a good idea for a story. Hope it gets made.

4200859 Oh god you're one of those people with the story ideas, but hardly get around to writing, eh!? THE HORROR, EH!

I'll do my best.

Yup. I crank the ideas out like a machine but I usually don't have the attention span to do more than a few chapters.

I'm actually decently well know on HiE for spamming them with story ideas hoping someone will adopt them.

Here's one of my more successful ideas.

4200884 I also crank out some ideas, but after one more comic I'll write some one-shots then get back to the comics, eh. Want to see some of my shit, eh?

4200927 Okay, so here's a couple of my one-shots and multi-chaptered story that I have yet to get around to writing, eh: Some Recruiters Lie, Ancient Protector, and The Royal Family, eh. And here's a couple one-shots I'm currently working on, eh: Red Like Roses, and here's Iskander the Great, eh.

I'll put them on my read later list and tell you what I think. Kay?

4201123 They're not published, and there's no public chapters for them yet, eh.

Oh, I still put them in "read later."

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