King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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Well, the reason this question came to my mind was this:

After all, as someone that likes the character of King Sombra, reading fiction about him, seeing fan art, and even writing about the character, I sincerely hope the king comes back to the show one day. The comics have been great (IMHO), but his return to the animated medium would be ideal.

So, if Sombra comes back, would you prefer to see him in the big screen resurrected as a participant (if perhaps minor) of the hopefully spectacular movie? Or you would prefer to see him in the small screen sooner with one or more episodes centered about him (resurrection, flashback, ghost, time travel, comic adaption, etc.)?

There making a My little pony movie that has nothing to do with Equestria girls?

Both actually as a redemption Resurrection flashback 2-3 episode arc and as a returning villian or a surprising hero who saves them when they need help in the movie

Personally, even though I would love to see him return and become a redeemed or reformed character (Very very very low chance of that), I also think he would be great as an adviser/ energy source.

We know two things about Sombra after his defeat. One, he horn was left behind, and Two, Megan said that he was for all intents and purposes, dead.

That would only leave room for one option. For some pony to find his horn and use his magic. Imagine if his mind transferred over along with that magic, like having and extra voice in your head. Then Sombra would be something like the Nine Tailed Fox from Naruto or Rubilax from Wakfu TV series.

Both of these are creatures of dark power that bestow their strength onto the character for a short duration.

I would love if the same idea was implemented with Sombra. Having him share his knowledge of the dark arts and help via his dark magic, which admittedly could be just about anything considering we have had such little exposure to it. That would be a dream come true.

4384403 A toaster would be a nice medium.

Foolishness aside, I'd prefer if they had an episode to clear up the show's timeline, featuring Sombra of course. The history of Equestria is all jumbled; from the founding of Equestria, to Sombra's reign in the Crystal Empire, and to the construction of Canterlot. In my opinion, knowing the full history or backstory, whatever term you prefer, would make the show way more interesting. The writers could have at least given us a more accurate timeline instead of the random broken puzzle pieces they threw at the audience and saying that everything happened a millennium ago.

I think I'd prefer seeing him make another appearance in the comics.

4384403 I think the chances of him reappearing are as low. The show really didn't give Sombra a lot to work with. He was a scary guy, he's powerful, and that's all we know about him - at least in context of the show. To bring him back they'd have to talk more about his character and origin - maybe take inspiration from fan work and the comics? Even if that happens he might get one episode per season. There's a better chance of Chrysalis coming back since there's more that can be done with her being a changeling.
Him appearing in the movie is not going to happen. The finales keep getting more and more grand, so for a movie, they'd create an original villain (Nightmare Celestia would be cool). They probably won't use a villain and make it a journey-type of adventure. Maybe explore that region of the Equestrian map marked "Into The Unknown" (which is the most Kingdom Hearts-ish name for a place ever).

4384403 If I see more Sombra and he doesn't get fucked in the ass like he did Season 3, I'll be happy.

Let's be perfectly honest. Listen to his rap sheet again. The closest we'll get for a Sombra return will be his redeemed comic self. In the other forms of media, he's not safe for the target audience. Since the comic is more appealing to the more mature audience, it was the only place where we could have him be truly evil. Since the show can't hand wave his redemption without mass canonizing everything that led to it in the comics, chain reactions and all that, we won't get him again outside of some flashback or AU or a hand waved movie cameo. Where we left off in the comics, he went off with Hope to put Princess Amore back together which that means he might not be back for a while.

5003178 This is true.
Most villains, except for 1 or 2, have had really extensive story arcs in the comics, so if they return to the series they will have to continue from there. The problem is that many of the people who watch the series, young and adult, have no idea the comics exist or, if they do, they don't read them.

So to bring Sombra back would involve either:
1) Making a continuation of the story in the comics, wherein he is now a unicorn searching for the pieces of Princess Amore. This means that fans who just watched the show will be like: WTF is going on, so that will likely not happen
2) Animate the story in the comic "Siege of the crystal empire" which may be possible
3) Re-tell and alter his story, again, not really going to happen

But the thing is, for me that is not Sombra's appeal. For better or worse, Sombra and to a lesser extent Tirek are the only 2 main villains who are male, not reformed in the show and threatening.
If you want to write/draw a edgy/gory/kinky :pinkiecrazy: fic involving a villain, you have to use one of them


The problem is that many of the people who watch the series, young and adult, have no idea the comics exist or, if they do, they don't read them.

'S cuz they suck. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to see Sombra brought back in something that sucks.

5031507 I agree that they are not as entertaining as the show and most often downright annoying, but the issue still remains that is is extremely easier for writers/animators to tell a really big dramatic story in comic book form rather than in the show because of financial reasons.

To animate something like "Siege of the Crystal Empire" would cost a lot of money for animation, voice actors, action scenes and I think it would be considered too violent for MLP show standards.
From what information I know about the 2017 MLP movie (not Equestria girls), it will feature a new villain, not Sombra, so the chance of us seeing a nice animated episode with the king is close to zero.

I know it sucks, but sometimes you have to take what you can get :applecry:

5031507 The problem with saying that they suck is that it's like saying your prize in the box of cereal sucks before you even see the box. Step back for a second and let me remind you what I initially said: he's not safe for the target audience at all. I'm not defending the comics because there have been plenty that aren't good and I know it but I still read them. The thing is you get stuff like backgrounds for villains that let them strut their stuff, except for Tirek since that was ridiculously weak, but you also get good arcs that can't be done in the show like Siege of the Crystal Empire. You have this setup for a curb-stomp so hard that the useful defenses Equestria has - Mane 6, nebulous magic thing #12, [insert princess(es) here] - and, unlike Starlight Glimmer, we had a background that got fleshed out and a character who you could understand that they were ready to end the world. Anyways, don't hate the comics like that, it's just not for you. I respect your opinion, but I'm trying to be polite but you're sounding like anyone who generalizes and doesn't even try.


you're sounding like anyone who generalizes and doesn't even try.

Rofl, I go out of my way not be a dilettante.

I've read the Sambra urk. I hated it. Enough said.


I know it sucks, but sometimes you have to take what you can get

If all the music in the world was slamming death metal, would you listen to it because it was your only option? I sure as hell wouldn't. I'd ditch my guitar and destroy my iTunes account.

Besides, that's what fanfiction is for. :raritywink:

I don't think we'll get him in the tv show again other than perhaps a memory and or perhaps someone of his family trying to get revenge etc. in fact that's part of a fan-fic i wrote before the end of season five detailing a story of Sombra's father DreadMane the Necrocorn...who is brought back to life and tries to make Twilight pay for the death of Sombra his son. I have been meaning to re-edit it and post it here...and hopefully will get to that soon.

but yeah that's about as much as we can hope from him in the animated verse.

The big screen movie and or sequels could have him in them, I hope they flush him out a little more, more of an origin explanation and why he has turned so vile, the whole evil just for being evil thing is overplayed. There of course is the next Equestria girls movie has an opening.

i actually always thought for the next Equestria girls film, why not have Sombra, Chrysalis and starlight glimmer as part of the school-board who try to close down Canterlot high, and somehow gain the power of their counterparts in Equestria.

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