King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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Is King Sombra middle aged? He has what looks like a faint wrinkle under his eyes. I'm just curious, that's all.

4472711 Hmm... I would have to say he's about whatever biological age Princess Luna is as a point of reference. That's opposed to chronological age, of course. I should also mention that in my headcanon, Sombra doesn't really age much at all, like Star Swirl or alicorns.

Soarin has a wrinkle under his eyes and he duzent seem middle-aged - I once voiced that, and someone suggested it was an impression left by his goggles, along with the hard training he goes through as a Wonderbolt

Sombra could certainly be older but I like to think the dark magic that corrupted him took a toll on his body

Sombra, as I see it. Is in his early middle age (27-32), more or less like Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, plus one thousand years on ice, literally. He is really smart and inventive, but also have that juvenile impulsiveness and reckless.
But if you follow the comic canon, he is barely in his teen years (15-19) he's just very tall and strong, and a Umbion that's important.

But if you want to do you're own story. Sombra can be as old as you want, the fandom knows barely anything (show canon) about this guy, he is a mystery for the most part so nothing is forbidden.

4472711 Well, he lived in the middle ages. Bahdum chee! :rainbowlaugh: Jk. I would say he's anywhere between 27 and 35.


It also depends on how aging would work in an AU.

4472711 I always assumed those were bags under his eyes as opposed to wrinkles. It gave me the impression that he was the type of pony to spend hours upon hours reading and experimenting with dark magic that he got little to no sleep.

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