King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I don't pay much attention to Fluttershy's stare ability. But it's an ability involving eye contact which breaks someponies will and makes them submissive. So can King Sombra do it, too?

4475660 I wouldn't say he can do "The Stare" perse but his figure and eyes would petrify someone.

He uses it to intimidate and bend ponies to his will. It is also far more effective than Fluttershy's since hers only works on animals I believe.


Interesting question. The political answer is "he can do whatever you want him to do".

In canon, the only example we have of him possessing a "stare" is the way the Crystal Ponies react when they see him... which is probably at least as much to do with his sheer reputation and past traumatizing of them.

In fanon, he can have that power if you want him too; you could probably explain the dark magic purple glow that's constantly seeping out of his eyes as Sombra using the Stare at all times to make ponies afraid of him.

How would you know she can only do it on animals? Maybe she just doesn´t use it. I mean, even on animals it is a last resort type of thing for her, so she would hardly do it on ponies.
Sombra, on the other hand, would do that without doubt.

4475660 He most likely can do worse, trap you in your worst fear, because if he can put that on a door, he probably can do it directly.

He can also use the stare to show ponies their biggest fear. That's what I think he can do as well.
Nothing bends ponies to your will more than showing what they fear the most.

4476096 (shiver), Sombra is scary awesome...and evil awesome.

4475660 He can do the Stare, just not The Stare...

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