King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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What if his ice prison didn't stop King Sombra entirely? What if he could telepathically command his minions from his icy prison? Ordering them to break him out. Or continue his conquest of fear and despair, but from the shadows. Or maybe he could still spread his crystals throughout the land.

Princess Celestia and Luna took out the head of the empire, thinking the rest would crumble down. Turns out, King Sombra could still influence ponies into doing what he wants, despite being trapped in ice.

What do you all think?


He was in an ice prison?


It might make an interesting AU, or good backdrop for a Shining/Cadance story, of them trying to reclaim the empire from his servants.

(Add in umbrum, and the story practically writes itself!)

Interloper, I'm talking about his banishment to the frozen north. :pinkiesmile:

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