King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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I need your opinions on this for a story I working on. This could be an important detail.


As a pony, I suspect that hair is hair.

As a shadow creature from the great beyond, it's hard to believe that his flowing cloud of evil magic is a clump of hair...

Hmmm need to be more spusific if you need help, and I thing Sombra 's mane is both shadow and hair.

956088 Well he's not going to be the smoke monster from the episode, but in his normal form, is his hair sold or smoke.

Hmmm think it depended on what form he takes.

Oh and I'm writing. Fic about king Sombra where he get a friend who tries to help him see the error of his ways, doubt it would work but I can only hope it will work.


When I think of Sombra's mane, I think of Celestia and Luna's; a combination of hairs and magic. :moustache:

I think it's hair unless he's in his shadow form, and then it's shadow, kinda like Nightmare Moon.

Since his body formed out of the smoke, I think that it is hair, but he can turn it into smoke at will.

If he is in his corporeal mode then everything projected as him would just be a manifestation of an angry 1000 year old tyrant spirit and so nothing about him would actually be 'real' if the shadows/smoke that are giving him these forms are illusional appearances. (Like if he didn't just transform into smoke form but let's say 'spider' form, then the hairs on that spider wouldn't actually be 'real hairs'.)
If it's just normal Sombra or for simplicity's sake then his hair is his hair.

If it was shadow, I could see Pinkie Pie trying to run her hoof through it, much to King Sombra's dismay.


In my story I said it was hair, but it resembled shadow very closely. I also said he got that attribute from his mother, who has kinda shadow like hair.

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