King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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Sombra has his owned theme in comic it a tragic hero theme. While they are considered not canon. Would you guys think theme would follow in show as well wonder what it he is like befor dark magic phase. Consider that we are getting hint in season 5 finally that time magic is involved would see past virson of Sombra of who he really is.

4564628 I like it. The tragic hero is probably one of the greatest underused tropes of fiction.

Indeed. I have a similar theme in my story, A Bright Little Shadow. Check it out if you'd like. I have awesome things planned for that story.

4564730 send me a link

I don't know how to send links this way. Just click on my name on the comments and you should gain access to my stories.

In his debut, Sombra was a tragic waste of potential who barely had any lines at all!

Then they made a Sombra from an alternate universe who was in love with Princess Celestia, and even he got screwed when he gave himself up to evil to protect his sweet Celestia and save both their worlds!

Finally, they do his origin story and as far as I'm concerned Sombra was brainwashed and denied a real choice to choose his own fate! I mean, he turns out to be some pony of a shadowy origin that suffered every year because of the Crystal Heart but the old ruler of the empire, Princess Amore, knew all along why he was different and didn't tell him!

The one light of his life was Radiant Hope, and then Sombra meets that cursed crystal that claimed to be his "mother" and forced him to be something he didn't want to be, and this in turn messed with his head when he was already in a bad place!

I would LOVE for Sombra to return and maybe even get a chance of redemption.

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