King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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So, this question has been in my head for a while.
How do you interpret King Sombra?

That is. How does Sombra act according to you and why? Even if you have giving him several background or origins. Which are the definitive characteristics of his personality, why is he like that, which are the ponies (characters) that must have been important good or bad for him, how does he see himself?

And just for fun, try to answer this questions. (Hint: there are no wrong answers, go crazy:trollestia:.)

What will be a joke that will make him laugh? Not evil laugh, true laugh.
What will be the most awkward, no way out situation he could be and how will he react?
Weird nitpicking, phobias or hobbies?
Sombra just squeal. Why?
Oh no! Sombra is going to explode unless he kiss some pony, NOW! Who will be, what will be the consequences of that?

I just think of him as the only unicorn in the Crystal Kingdom and he was bullied because he was not strong enough.So he traveled to learn about magic, got corrupted through his insecurities, and then came back to rule the Crystal Kingdom through fear.

4603230 Arrogant, Condescending, Power-obsessed, Domineering, and Sadistic, with a bit of a sense of style and formality.

Tell him about the Mane 6's adventures when he gets over that they were a part of his defeat.
The moment when he was about to be banished/torn apart by the Crystal Heart, and we heard his reaction to that.
Interior design, psychological torture, and I can't think of anything he could possibly let himself be afraid of that would be irrational.
I just gave him a box of his favorite candy and the Crystal Heart.
Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Cadence if he wanted to be mean

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