King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I have a story rumbling around in my head that paints our dear censored (for kids) king as a unicorn that has everything taken from him, spiraling into madness, self-loathing, and praying for either redemption or death. Black becomes white, good becomes cruel, fate becomes a curse, death becomes... something else entirely. There's a bunch of other strange stuff things that I'd rather not say in fear that they would be interpreted as the ramblings of a madman but I wanted to paint a portrait of a defiant unicorn who only wanted to make things better. In the end, before the story even began actually, he lost any hope of salvation because of someone else pushing him to the limits over a very trivial issue when it's looked back on. If you want a trope equivalent I want to mix the Classical Tragic Hero and Byronic Hero on frappe and see what I get.

My question to you all is this: would you read it and if not, why?

Go ahead I like fanfic that have Sombra being a tragic hero character. The fact that the crystal ponies has memories erase tell me that there was another villian at time.

4720356 There is definitely a good "pushed over the edge" storyline here that could work really well.

I have my own "pushed over edge," storyline, but mine has to with Racism and a group of corrupt villains that pushes Sombra over the edge.

But your story sound really good to so i will gladly read it.

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