King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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Sombra as a no nonsense college dean that all the students are terrified of.

Also, Celestia's ex-husband.

Interesting :moustache:

With graduation coming up, Celestia and Luna call the girls into their office.

There they meet Dean Sombra, who wanted to tell them in person that they've all received full scholarships to the most prestigious college in the country, Crystal Heart University, but Celestia and Luna seem non-too-happy about it.

On their first day there, Dean Sombra calls them to his office and tells them that he's well aware of who they are and what they can do.

At first, the girls are understandably worried, but he assures them that he understands and just wants them to know that they don't have to waste time hiding it, as he has gathered a number of similarly "gifted" students at the university. He then tells Sunset Shimmer and human!Twilight that he also knows that they've each used dark magic.

He says that he too used to be corrupted by dark magic and considers himself an expert on the subject so if they ever need help dealing with the aftermath of their own brushes with their dark sides, he'd be there for them.

Whether or not he has ulterior motives I have yet to decide, but Celestia and Luna sure think so.

Nuuuuuu, ship them!

4739589 i say you should write it...i would read it :pinkiehappy:

4739589 Quite an interesting and unique idea you have!:pinkiegasp:

4739521 Dude, you got into my mind...

Did you leave the door open? I hope not, there was an Elder God in there...


I have a headcanon that he used to work at CP, but he transferred over and that's why he's not in the movie. Because I refuse to believe the writers forgot about him.

He seemed nice enough.

I fully expected him to be the principal and was disappointed when he didn't show.

Honestly, it was such a missed opportunity. Having that random ass lady be the one to talk Twilight into using dark magic?

4739723 It is, but only when you keep it in there.

I was liveblogging while I was watching the movie and an actual comment I made was, "Who is this bitch and where the fuck is Sombra?" Many agreed with me in comments below.

Glad I'm not the only one.

At least Sombra would have logical reasons behind making Twilight use dark magic, instead of this lady wanting to win a school contest.


Thank you! I knew I wasn't the only one. I am hoping they have a good explaination for it but I doubt they will. Like you, Ms. Charmer, my thoughts were following the same notion. At the start of the movie I was thinking; "Oooh, it's time! Crystal Academy means Crystal Empire counterpart and the means Sombra! Eee!" At the end of the movie, I was thinking; "That was a spectacular movie! But, I've just got one teeny weeny nagging little question.... WHERE!?! IS!?! MY!?! SOMBRA!?!?!"

To you, Mr. Banchoking, I look forward to your headcanon turned fanfiction.

4741797 I think that I got an idea that the Crystal Academy was in a pre-Sombra state. Ms. Cinch saw her replacement which is Sombra saw how well he is doing in the Academy she decided high and low for anyone who can use magic and have them place dark magic in him.

4739521 And what if Discord was the College Counselor,

and the whole college was secretly being paid for by a certain business tycoon.

4746291 thanks, unfortunately I could not find an image of Sombra, that look right in a school setting, or I would of posted that one too. :fluttershysad:

I imagine him in a nice black and grey suit with a lime green tie and red shirt.

4746902 awesome!!:pinkiehappy:

I was thinking you also said the Sombra is Celestia's Ex Husband, Any reason why they are divorced, was it because he being too corrupted :pinkiecrazy:, or did she find him with another woman. :raritywink:

(And if it is that last reason then was Chrysalis or Luna)

4746902 Hey I'm back, and I think I found a better look for Sombra, here the Link

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