King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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This been bother me when saw the movie. So let assume that each schools that in equestia girls world is the equivalent major city in the pony world. So instead we got Principle Cinch

So got this headcanon that she could be the red crystal that Young Sombra found in first fiendship is magic comic arc.

4741638 My personal headcanon is that he is Ever(as in Everfree)ton's supervisor. It would fit his motives of isolation, corruption, and wish to only improve himself, even at the cost of others.

4741638 I'm glad it wasn't Sombra.

Equestria Girls is just fine with it's own original characters, it doesn't need duplicates of everypony from the other side of the portal to be interesting.

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