King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Now, before I go on, this is why you get sleep at night, kids.

Anyway, I did a thing with Sombra that was really weird.

What did I do, you ask?

I tried to imagine him as Arin from Game Grumps.

...would Discord be Dan?

EDIT: Or Ross?

4828127 Eh. Dan would probably just be a changeling.

Or maybe that's Arin, since he's a voice actor.

I don't know but this needs to be a thing, like a legit story. Not Sombra the Tyrant, not Sombra the brooding, not Sombra the forlorn, Sombra the cynical, straight forward, sarcastic asshole

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