King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I just saw this awesome art

here is the link:

It took him another thousand years to reform only to be destroy by another totally out nowhere idea, Pony-Bot. Oh well, he just have to try again in another thousand, or another, or another, or another. Luckily the Crystal Empire is made of Crystal, or else he would eventually run out of time to conquer it, and have to go conquer something else.

Hmm, Sombra need a new hobby to do for eternity, because trying to conquer the same place over and over, for all eternity is get kind boring. I am serious does anypony know what Sombra's new hobby should be?

If the Crystal Empire can make something to repel Sombra for several millenniums in a row, who's to say they can't simple rid themselves of his only because they feel bad for em?

4869901 More like it they use him for entertainment, he's like the Super Bowl. Plus the Fights always end in fireworks. But still he need a new hobby.

4869489 Well I won't disagree with that, all though in this pic don't seem to have my favorite ship of Sombra, Lunbra, oh well.

Hey is there a pic of him with all the princess.

4879106 Honestly, Luna's the only Princess I can't really see in a pairing. I'm sure that will change some day, but I ship Twibra and Dislestia, and their aren't really any others that I see having the potential to ship with her, at the moment.

I'm sure there's one out there somewhere, but I haven't seen it. I had to commission this one, myself. ^_^'

4921306 Yeah i could see that, but I think the he would prefer to play this:

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