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When I watched the Season 5 finale I instantly happy to see King Sombra back, but I also noticed something more. That his Timeline had canon cyborgs. I mean look at Rainbow Dash she had a cybernetic wing. Which means this Timeline had advance electric technology. This also means we got our closest moment to an actual canon version Fallout Equestria.

4883461 could serve as the great war that started it all

4883461 Works wonderfully.

4883461 Hmm I wonder what stories for Fallout Equestria could be pulled out of this little theory.

4883461 Yes! He has returned! :pinkiecrazy:


Makes perfect sense in the SWSV, as Prince Crimson Quartz's original quest was to restore the might and glory of the Crystal Empire by recovering the lost technology of the Age of Wonders and harnessing it for imperial purposes. The evil version of Crimson Quartz -- King Sombra -- just added "torture ponies" and "open the Gates to the Night Shadows" to these objectives. Take a look at the Crystal City sometime. You won't convince me that the place was built without the aid of some fairly advanced (though weird-science) technology!

Sombra makes the Crystal Empire expand and wages a war, The writers actually did something about his character to make him more awesome.

Its also now canon that Sombra is a blank flank.

4883461 An artificial limb and a mind-controlling helmet does not make a cyborg.

4883887 :rainbowhuh: Uh Hello, Cybernetics are artificial limbs. Cybernetics also include Cyborg.

4884129 Cybernetics is the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering. If I have an artificial limb does that make me a cyborg? No. RD may need an artificial wing in order to fly properly but her life isn't dependent upon it.


The term Cyborg applies to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback. While cyborgs are commonly thought of as mammals, they might also conceivably be any kind of organism and the term "Cybernetic organism" has been applied to network, such as road systems, corporations and governments, which have been classed as such.

For more info go to this link.

This info proves that Rainbow Dash was Cyborg.

4884452 Whatever. I'm not going to fight about it. Rd is not a cyborg and that's that. You can consider her a cyborg if want but I do not.


I was thinking amputee with a prosthetic wing. Prosthetics have certainly come a long way, which makes me wonder how damaged the wing is and what mechanisms make the wing function.

It also seems like machinery has come a long way in this universe, which makes sense considering what technology we have due to it's link to military technology. I bring this up because the technology in the Equestria we know and love has much simpler technology, making me think that they are a very peaceful society.

I will agree with you though. Cybernetics wouldn't make sense when compared to prosthetics. Still, prosthesis have come a long way, and that technology is always growing thanks to limb damage in military situations. Again, not to the level of cybernetics, but artificial implimentations are a fascinating science. Heck, look at the pace maker for example! Robotics in your chest keeping your heart going!

4884908 Yeah exactly.

4884908 I see what you mean about it might be a prosthetic wing, but it still vaguely look like a Cybernetic limb, and when something on the show vaguely look like something else is what the fandom needs to fuel new ideas for stories. So it could still be either one of those ideas, but this whole thing still proves that Sombra's Timeline is the closest we are ever going to get to a canon version of Fallout Equestria.

4884475 Okay I won't go into an argument, but my other Idea still stands, that Sombra's Timeline is the closest we are ever going to get to a canon version of Fallout Equestria.

4884948 Well minus the nuclear war. I mean really you can't have Fallout without Nukes, so perhaps Call of Duty Modern Warfare (or whatever) or Doom?

4884962 Knowing Sombra he would probably bring in nukes eventually.

4885015 Celestia was probably forced to develop tehnology like RD's wing most likely because King Sombra can curse unicorns' horns (with Celestia being either immune to this or resistant), thus rendering the unicorn population of Equestria totally useless in this war. Also King Sombra has another very good advantage that being if Celesta's army fights in that freezing cold near the Crystal Empire only she will be able to stand that cold for long and her army would freeze to death, and we don't know for certain but Sombra could use those helmets to rise Celestia's fallen soliders and add them to his own army. So in the long run Sombra wins.


thus rendering the unicorn population of Equestria totally useless in this war

you were saying?

4885164 My mistake almost useless. They don't have the strength of earth ponies but I guess they can still be used in the front line. But they are more like lambs to the slaughter. Oh, and when I said useless I was refering to the unicorns on the battlefield not unicorns like Rarity that stay in Equestria and and create equipment for the soliders.

4885015 Maybe but I doubt it. I mean who wants to rule a land that's either been destroyed or poisoned?

4886755 here the way I would see him use the nukes. Reseal away his crystal empire, then nuke everything. Then wait long enough for the radiation to dissipate enough to live in again, and then bring his empire back. It may take waiting a few thousand years but at least it would get rid of any Resistance. And the destroyed parts could be rebuilt with crystal.

4888028 Yeah I don't think that would work. Few thousand? try a few million.

4888103 Well we do know he is very patient, plus the fact that he has lived as long as Luna and Celestia, show the he is immortal so he can wait for however long it takes.

4888117 If he was immortal then why did he die at the end of his two parter? Also you are assuming that the other nation can't or won't stop the nukes.

4888991 I am not saying that he can't die, I just saying that he can clearly live as long as the princesses, if not longer.

4889051 Actually that is debatable. I mean in his premiere episode Tia says that she and Luna somehow took away his physical form and sealed him beneath the Arctic tundra. That's more like being cryogenically frozen and preserved (much like Discord being sealed in stone) than any form of immortality.

4889089 but it is not unheard of, for a strong unicorn to live an extremely long time, I mean just look at Star Swirl the Bearded.

4889117 That is true but there is a difference between long-lived and immortality. Although if one were to get technical about it there is no proof that Celestia or Luna are immortal either or even goddesses for that matter.

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