King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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This finale made the crystal ponies amnesia all the more... terrifying for me

Really they need to only scream 'HAIL SOMBRA!' to make the analagy complette.

They're all earth ponies though. You would think with Equestria having pegasi and unicorns and in general being larger, it would be far easier for it to beat the Crystal Empire in a prolonged conflict.

There has to be more to the story, because it doesn't make sense how Sombra could conquer half of Equestria, even in a surprise attack. Unless the Crystal Empire is much larger and more populated than we gave credit for.

4887981 notice he don't have cutie mark

4888564 RIP blank flank sombra XD

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