King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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While notic that Sombra don't have a cutie mark could it mean that cutie mark could see one person souls which he trade his cutie mark for a deal.

4888586 well if the comics of his past is even Canon... The reason is, he isn't a pony but a dark creature in the form of one.

4888592 really we not consider them cannon if they are cannon that mean Somlestia is cannon as well.

But really I would like show Mention about comic cannon by showings some sort of Easter eggs to somewhat like the note for the wishing tree

4888642 It would be great, so many things could be added from the comics because let's face it, where else are we getting world building and characterization?

4888642 I thought that before. The finale kind of took a good bit from FOE so I could see the show doing something like that for the comics. The usual analogy I make for the show and the comics' is Pokemon's games and the anime. Pokemon does throw a wink to the anime fans here and there ever since Heartgold/Soulsilver when they made two characters resembling Jessie and James.
And MLP has thrown A LOT of fan service this year so chances are good.

4888642 I thought that before. The finale kind of took a good bit from FOE so I could see the show doing something like that for the comics. The usual analogy I make for the show and the comics' relationship is Pokemon's games and the anime. Pokemon does throw a wink to the anime fans here and there ever since Heartgold/Soulsilver when they made two characters resembling Jessie and James.
And MLP has thrown A LOT of fan service this year so chances are good.

4888659 Honestly, as much as I would like to consider the comics canon, after seeing the finale and Sombra not free the Umbrum, despite having the opportunity, it is more likely that we can think of the comics as yet another alternate reality. We have plenty of them already, so why not one more?

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