King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I have noticed that almost all the royalty have title that was either given to them by show, by IDW, or by fans.

For instants, these are the current titles:

Princess Twilight Sparkle - Princess of Friendship/Canon

Princess Celestia - Princess of the Sun/Canon - Princess of the Day/Canon - Princess Sunbutt/FanCanon

Princess Luna - Princess of the Moon/Canon - Princess of the Night/Canon - Princess Woona/FanCanon

Princess Cadence - Princess Mi Amore Cadenze/Canon - Princess of the Love/Canon - Princess of Shipping/FanCanon

Prince Blueblood - Prince Dumbass/FanCanon - Prince Jackass/FanCanon

Now to my point. I have also notice that there is no current title for King Sombra in the Show. Now he has a title in the IDW series, and he got two fan titles. But I am want to know what title do you prefer for King Sombra?

King of Darkness/FanCanon - King of Shadows/FanCanon - King of Monster/IDWCanon


I like King of Shadows, even if it does sound like a band name. :derpytongue2:

4916272 Master of Shadows, Sovereign of Fear, King of all Monsters, Sombra de Umbrum!

Dark Lord of the Frozen North, Master of the Umbrum, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the Crystal Empire, Patriarch of Dark Magic, the Shadow of Death, the Reaper of Souls and Darkness Incarnate.


Or Steve for short. :pinkiesmile:

4916383 That's his middle name.


Which part of that is the middle? :rainbowwild:

4916398 Sombra 'Steven' Umbrum titles and aliases.


All perfect title the could easily be use in the show.

Here is another I just thought up. The Fear Monger.

Sombra: Seeker of Darkness.

4916612 In that case he would need to add an X to his name. What about, Xambros?

King of Darkness, the Crystal Tyrant, the Shadow King, the Dark Lord of the Frozen North, Champion of Grogar. King Sombra has many titles, all befitting his fearsome reputation.

I've heard the Mad King of the North, the Mad Unicorn King and my favorite, the Pony of Shadows. Not sure where I heard any of them, but they're all awesome. Oh, and someone used the Last of the Umbrum and that honors him quite well, too.

4917289 Champion of Grogar, sound like a perfect title to give him, if they bring him back. While at the same time hinting to Grogar making a later appearance.

4917710 Mad King of the North, that is a new one to me. Where did you hear it?

GryphonStar5678 I wish I could recall. It would be a fascinating project to track down where all these grand titles for him came from. If anyone remembers where they heard their references, please do tell and I'll add it to the names I've complied from this thread and post it somewhere we all can draw from when chronicling his reign(s).

Grogar is a completely new reference I've never heard of. Where did that came from? It sounds a fascinating tale!

4917710 Speaking of which, can you please tell me about this "Sombra is an Unbrum" thing? As hard as I looked, all I could find on "Umbrum" is some dark ethereal energy from the Blades and Beasts franchise, and I don't get how Sombra could be that.

It's from the comics.

A lot of people theorize about Sombra being related in some way to Grogar, perhaps as an apprentice, given their similar natures and propensity for black magic.

4921395 Oh God the comics.

Why must they exist?

So, anypony, who is this Grogar I'm hearing of?

4921640 Are you serious. Grogar, the Emperor of Darkness/Fancanon, Necromancer of the Dead, Emperor of Tambelon/Gen1Canon.

This guy hold the all around agreed title of 2nd best villain of all four gens. seconded only the original Tirek.

most fan make a connection between Grogar and King Sombra, for three reasons. 1st: they are both darkness based villains. 2nd: both are brilliant in magic and vastly intelligence. And 3rd: Being that King Sombra is the only villain that has been claim to be dead by the writers, tell us that the best to bring him back, would be to resurrect him from the dead, and who just happens to be a Master Necromancer, Grogar.

So it is enviable that when they bring back King Sombra completely, that Grogar won't be to far behind him.

4924980 Okay, so I'm digging all this Grogar info. Sorry, been away writing like an insane person, putting us Sombra fics, pimping out my page and getting used to the brutal schedule of a new, full-time job. So I have another question to ask. This pic of Grogar with what looks like Sombra next to him. I saw the rest of the series of these shots and there's a couple more of our King in there, BUT, did someone on the 'net just make this up based on what he could have looked like with Grogar? What I looked up on Grogar doesn't mention Sombra appearing before this current incarnation of MLP, so I am massively confused right now.

4965593 yeah the second pic is from a fan comic. But unfortunately I can't think of the link where I found it right now. Grogar has not made a single appearance in Gen 4's cannon. And King Sombra is only in Gen 4 cannon and the Comic Cannon.

4965593 What Grogar would look like for Gen 4, tense to very with each artist. But the base of he usually look like is a blue (can be dark blue sometime I have often found it either way) goat with red eyes and wears a collar with a bell. The Bell is the most important part becuase it is connected to his immortally, as well it's connection to his only Gen 1 cannon weakness which is a separate bell, hidden somewhere in his kingdom of Tambelon.

If I remember correctly when the second bell rings it take away his immortality, while when the first bell the one around his neck rings it increases his power.

4917710 On I think if you try to write MLP fanfiction you cannot add Sombra as a character but you can add "Shadow King", so "King of Shadows" or "Lord of the Umbrum" would be ok.
If you want titles, try Sombra, first of his name, king of the crystal empire, lord of the crystal ponies and protector of the realm ... long may he reign :twilightangry2:

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