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Sombra is taller in season 5. It is not an illusion.

Season 3
King Sombra

same balcony with the mane six

This image show that King Sombra is only a little bit taller than Shining Armor. And Shining Armor is only a little bit taller than the mane six.

Season 5
King Sombra beside several Crystal ponies

each crystal pony is roughly the height of most of the mane 6.

The image shows that King Sombra is now around twice as tall as the crystal ponies.

So do you see it now.

There has to be a reason that he was now so much more taller, on the season finale. I think that they are planning to bring him back. Maybe in Season 6. My question is how will they bring King Sombra, back.


I think that they are planning to bring him back. Maybe in Season 6.

Don't get your hopes up, eh.

4933552 They changed his model for a reason. So maybe?

4933547 I would gladly welcome our nowhere safe for the target audience overlord in Season 6.

4933554 It would be super nito tho if they brought him back, eh.

Comment posted by Yalwin Khales deleted Dec 21st, 2015

4933570 yeah, super fucking nito, eh.

Didn't they bring him back in the comics?

4933584 The comics aren't canon.

4933585 I thought the Hasbro released ones were. At least Fiendship is Magic?

4933601 To be exact, the comics are canon unless they conflict with the show. That was the word from on high and I greatly enjoyed hearing that when they started. Thanks to The Return of Queen Chrysalis and Reflections, I'm eager to find out how much of things get carried over or remain speculative.

4933619 Sure, Chrysalis kidnapping the CMC just happened off-screen, it totally happened!

The comics have been on their own path for a long time, they are conflicting so much with the show now that that quote no longer holds any value at all.

4933601 Nope, all of them are non-canon.

4933629 Yeah, sure they are. You are aware of the change in authors from time to time right? How about a little interference from Hasbro in Sombra's issue of Fiendship is Magic? I need to dig the source out but it was a blanket statement regarding comics and books that were official releases, pretty sure it was our dear friend M. A. Larson. Anyways, that does include the IDW comics which are geared to the brony-side of things. Kinda feel like you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend not to listen. Sad really, but I know people like that, who can't accept that there's more media for a franchise than the one they see regularly. I'm not trying to provoke you, just trying to tell it like I've heard.

Yeah, but since Sombra was drawn from the inspiration from Sauron from Lord of the Rings, So In my case it would be possible for him to make a return. My Evidence you ask, well...

From watching Sauron from Lord of the Rings, I`ve noticed a few things that could contridict Sombra`s return; The Ring of Sauron and The Alicorn Amulet, I can speculate to say that in Magic Duel, The ponies and Zecora said they were to hide away the amulet to where it may never be found again, In the Lord of the Rings, Sauron`s ring was hidden away as well after his defeat, I think the two artifacts are the power sources for both villains. Meaning that as long as they are not destroyed, it will only be a matter of time before they rise once more, powerful and stronger than before.

Does my theory seem logical or possibly canon?

Comment posted by BlabideeblahMLP deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Yalwin Khales deleted Dec 21st, 2015

4933805 Dude, calm down. It really sounds like you really want to pick a fight here. All I said is what I've heard and you seem like you snapped back at me like a drama queen on her period. Believe what you want and I'll do the same. We could snap at each other for a while but I really don't want to waste time and leave feeling like nothing was accomplished but pissing each other off.

4933766 See above except replace the "pick a fight" and "snapped like a drama queen on her period" with being a troll just to piss me off. I don't have the time to deal with you so you'll just have to banish yourself.

With your theory that the show is trying bring him back is could be possible. The writer did confirm that he is dead but there is no reason he so up the present time of equestia but in the past ether by Time Travel or flash back.

Comment posted by Strythio deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by BlabideeblahMLP deleted Dec 21st, 2015

4933960 Think of it this way, When Twilight used her magic on the potion, Why was it dark magic? The Alicorn Amulet could have been created by Sombra, but was probably lost during his defeat, Which could explain how he lost connection with the amulet. Now does this mean he would have been on his way to become an alicorn? I find it unlikely, but it would have been logical in many ways. Plus Remember, Sombra is suppose to be a dark presence so it would seem natural if he didn`t get many lines and like I sometimes say, Actions speak louder than words.

4934088 Don't forget the whole, you know, enslave an empire probably being deemed unsafe for the audience which could imply just about anything. Removing all other media, which I hope makes others happy, it's up in the air because of an assumption like that. What the extent of his abilities are is really anyone's guess since we really have speculation as our only real resource.


Well, he didn't exactly do much (we were mostly told what he did, barely even shown it honestly) in the show. Why she had to use dark magic on the potion is, well, a mystery, completely and utterly. The alicorn amulet's power seems like something that he would wear himself, and unless it was left behind in the dust when he was banished and turned to dust, I can't see Sombra losing it any other way. After all, he was doing most of his evil stuff in the Crystal Empire, he was defeated the first and the second time in the Crystal Empire, he didn't really have time for it to get lost elsewheres.

I just find it unlikely that the alicorn amulet is significantly tied to him akin to Sauron and The Ring.

If they got a good reason why. Unless Celestia or Luna tells the main charaters on why the are resurrecting him or there was a cult base around him we would be stuck on flash back or time travel.


You obviously can't accept that there's no way in Heaven, Hell, or some other afterlife that the comics are canon to the show, I think I'm the one who is going to regret wasting my time on you.

The comic were confirm to be non cannon by the writers of the show.

Comment posted by BlabideeblahMLP deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by BlabideeblahMLP deleted Dec 21st, 2015

4934484 Actually I was going along the Idea of another big villain resurrecting him. Maybe Grogar from gen 1. Given his necromancer background, it would quite easy for him, and it would be the perfect way to re introduce Grogar back into the series.

Comment posted by Yalwin Khales deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Strythio deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Yalwin Khales deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Strythio deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Dark Obsidian deleted Dec 21st, 2015
Group Admin

Some posts deleted for being off topic and generally mean spirited.

If you want to talk about Star Wars go someplace else and post there.

4935346 Thanks mighty wooden robot. May splinters smite all who oppose you. Even if this post is off-topic...

4935433 Well the argument was very much off topic. Now we get to the real topic. Which is what I posted on the top.

Group Admin


You're OK. You've not been mean spirited.

If someone wants to get angry and start argument, they can do so some place else.

4935433 But I agree with Bendy. Your comments were just fine. At least you didn't get into the mean argument of Star Wars and Lord of the Ring.

But anyway, back to Topic.

GryphonStar5678 Saw this thread on the weekend and didn't have time to post, but YES! I noticed there was something different about King Sombra in the season finale, but couldn't put my finger on it. He seemed more - I dunno, regal, a stronger presence, more POWERFUL and that was even without any additional dialogue. That was most likely the intention of the writers, makes total sense. And whoever said somewhere (I can't find it now!), that he might be taller because, like Tirek, he gained stature with more power, I TOTALLY BUY INTO THIS!

4936002 It would make a lot sense that he would grow bigger with more power, like Tirek. Thing is, I am curious on how he got so much powerful. Did he absorb the power Crystal Heart, did he absorb the power of nightmare moon; maybe that Luna wasn't seen during the War scene.; Or maybe he went the same way as Tirek, absorb the magic of everypony in sight.

4936035 I think that he planned from the beginning to devour the Crystal Heart's magic but he needed time to find out how to corrupt a magic as pure as the Crystal Heart's and Celestia and Luna delayed his plans when they defeated him and his banishment most likely also weakened him and thus as soon as he escaped he tried to seize the Heart and drain it's power. Also, I don't think Sombra devours magic like Tirek. From the season premiere we've seen that he is can curse ponies' magic and disable it. We don't know but, maybe as long as the magic is cursed it's power is transferred to Sombra.

4937811 Huh never thought like that. He would first curse then transfer the power. Of course that would make sense, with fear base tactics. He want his enemies to feel as helpless as possible when he takes all their power away.

I want to say one quick thing that might get some flak for saying before I forget about it. He seemed like some split between the IDW reconstructed Sombra and S3 premier Sombra. I am not going to get involved in the technicalities of canon/non-canon BS since it gets messy and has no bearing in regards to my comment. Just drawing parallels here. That aside, I like the idea 4936002 was getting at with height from more power. Makes sense in my head, but I don't have enough data. Too much guesswork to make for a real answer. Well, an answer that would fit in the canon at least.

4938069 Cursing an existing power to suit is own needs (like cursing the Crystal Empire into disappearing for a thousand years) would also make sense. And fear stemming from his victims helplessness leaves an opening in ones defenses. It would make it easier for him to siphon off their power. Reminds me of the Bene Gesserit creed in Dune that states, "Fear is...the mind killer" (know there was something in there about "little death", but not sure where it falls in the quote).

There might even also be some sustenance for him derived from the helplessness produced by fear. I am LOVIN' this discussion! Can't wait to expanded these concepts into my current writings! Thank you guys!

4938291 Your welcome. I am are glad we could help.

4938069 Part of me is trying to think over the exact power of the heart. I was always under the belief that it had no real inherent "allegiance" to good or evil but more of an amplifier of the emotions of the empire. Following the amplifier concept, just let me stretch this a bit, he would use it only when everything would be properly aligned to his plan. Projecting fear through the heart would mean that altering minds would be easier, making it more efficient for Sombra to assume full control over the empire and any who would seek to invade to bring him down. It's all just a theory and I have a pretty high chance of being wrong. Wrongness would mean that I'm just lost in my own writing to be productive for further discussion.

4938327 To me the Heart is more like a host, inside it being Love in it's purest form. The Heart seems to react according to whatever emotion it is exposed to: When exposed to love it spreads even more the more happiness and joy around it but to feelings like fear, hatred and despair it shuts itself to prevent the negative feelings from corrupting the love inside and twist it into vile emotions.

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