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4933547 After I looked closer to those pictures I realized that Sombra was also this tall during the season 3 premiere. If you look at him in the balcony scene you'll see that most of his feet are covered by the balcony due to the angle of the camera. He even puts his right hoof in the air and we still can't see all of it.

4939984 I didn't say that he wasn't tall in season 3. In fact I point the fact in season his hieght similar to Shining Armor. And Shining Armor is a tall stallion. But in Season 5 King Sombra height is now similar to Princess Luna of Celestia. This put Sombra taller then before, and also put him as the tallest stallion in the series.

4940007 To me Sombra looks the same height is the season premiere as he is in season 5, but we can't really be sure due to the fact that there is no way to compare him in the season premiere with other ponies because, as I said before, in the only scene that has him on the ground the angle of the camera confuses us.

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