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I know there is at least few Anime Fans in this group. So my questions have to do to what if King Sombra was in an Anime?(Feel free to give as many replies as you like)

1st Question: What anime theme or ost would he have? (Choose only from an actual anime) (It would work best if you show a video chip)

2nd Question: What anime villain or hero, would King Sombra be most similar to? (Include a pic, for those that don't know the anime, as well as the title of the anime that that character is from as well as if he/she is hero or a villain)

4962937 Okay let me start this one off.

For his theme it would be?

And what anime villain or hero? well that one I am split between......

Lelouch from Code Geass (Anti-Hero)

and Naraku and from Inyuasha (Villain)

4962949 I can really see Naraku working but I find myself reading between a few too many lines for Lelouch

4962953 That tense to happen with Lelouch, I mean I have watch the anime so many time that I know every line. And even I have tent to do when it come him. And that just works perfectly for my headcannon of King Sombra. I see him being very secretive on his real motives, at least until his plan is complete.

4962969 I meant reading between the lines with Sombra. The trick is removing your headcanon from your train of thought.

Lelouch would actually be quite accurate for comic-canon, while Naraku would be a better fit for just cartoon-canon.

4962974 fine, fine, then I chose Myotismon from Digimon (Villain)

as well as Naraku.

4962988 Except Lelouch died in the end, as per his plan, while Sombra got to run off with Hope in a very happily ever after instead of sealed away for his heroic sacrifice or he gave up everything in order to save the pony he loved as per Reflections.

4962988 Hmm I thought he might but then I haven't red most of the comic-cannon for him yet

4962949 I cast my vote towards Naraku and Inuyasha

4962937 Are there going to be other choices or just mine because I want to see what everypony answers on the questions, not just mine.

4963011 Let's give it a few hours and hopefully someone other than Naraku will be agreed upon. I have a rather large index to go through for characters so it's taking me some time for a proper choice.


...annnd I can't really think of an anime character he is similar to, as I don't watch that much anime.

4962998 I was thinking more 'was willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the world'. Sombra just didn't succeed as well as Lelouch did.

4963119 You got to the end of 37 right? He'd have gotten as close as we can hope to it but... well...


Anyways, 4962937 I've consulted the ancient scriptures of "Way Too Much Anime: Past-Present" and reached a strange, if not obvious, conclusion. You really have to shuffle the deck when it comes to Sombra. After you add material from other media like the comics (so we have enough depth to work with) you don't really get a singular character or even a handful of them. My conclusion is that you pick a psychopath, a sociopath, and the creepy anime wizard that lurks in the back of your mind (he/she/it is in there somewhere so there's no sense denying it), throw them in a blender, hit frappe, and check the results. Failing that, take one part Ovan (.hack//G.U.) and two parts Naraku (InuYasha) and mix until thoroughly blended.

I actually did a bit of reading to make my Sombra "blend." It starts simple enough with our psychopath.

This is Chaos Dragon Gaav from the Slayers franchise. He doesn't look like much but that's in the anime, where he's been sealed in human form for our usual undetermined time frame. He's a Grade-A psycho made by what could roughly be called evil incarnate. I would have to say that he was made to do one thing and in victory, he rebelled and that's complicated. They why is nothing but speculation so let's move along.

Here is Ovan. I'll try to be brief since he's a bit on the complicated side. Protected his little sister, lost his mind for a while because of it. Figured out how to save his sister, led a bunch of people on a mind screw so they could kill him. Walks away from everything in the end because of his messed up abilities.

And now we've come at last to our sociopath: Dark Schneider. Googling him might make you wonder why he's not my "creepy anime wizard" but he has a record. Nearly conquered the world, son of satan, didn't care where he went (initially), loses his clothes regularly (unlike some other pansies he doesn't keep anything covered), wants to kill every man until the world is his harem, and a bunch of other stuff that's tinged with nice things that ruin his evil track record.

4963442 Wow those are good choices. But all this work and no theme music.

4963778 That's a little more up in the air. I feel like some of the old UC-Era Gundam instrumentals might be good picks but I need to go back and look those over. Right now, as I am writing this, I had an idea that scraps the previous one:

Or perhaps...


Character:(Acnologia form Fairy Tail)

4964256 Couldn't access the theme. But good choice on the similarities. Haven't seen much Fairy Tale in awhile but I can tell just from the picture alone that this dude clearly has some similarities to King Sombra.

4964306 Hmm don't know why you can't access the theme but if you want to find it just search on youtube "Trinity Blood Kresnik song" and as for Acnologia long story short he is a ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent person who considers humans only some insects and has killed all dragons he could including (SPOILERS) Igneel.

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