King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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This most handsome fanart of him I seen so far.

I think I can one up you.

5042219 Heh...Evehly is SO GOOD, but if you want HOT ANTHRO SOMBRA, check out her other pic:


5041931 Yeah! That's my peep Pixel_Spark! Give her lots of love for her Sombys, 'cause she needs the encouragement. Also, I highly recommend her Sombra fics!

I wasn't going for sexy when I commissioned this piece but judging from the comments it got on DA, that is exactly what happened. :rainbowlaugh:

5041931 let thine eyes gaze upon mine avatar and witness thy lords true radiance in fullest!

5041931 I disagree, I like the next one better

5042219 This is what I am talking about

Sombra is handsome because he radiates masculinity and power (IMO). To be made "sexy" he has to look strong, muscular, confident, almost like a very good looking yet evil villain. In the initial fanart, he looks like a young Mayan-inspired warrior, not his style.

Lots of good art, here.

Corrupted Twilight, Chrysalis, and... I have no idea who the purple unicorn is.

I think I largely agree with this, though as with all things it's best not to take it too far. I don't expect him to be too buff - I mean, physical strength isn't his main thing - but he'd definitely have quite a presence.

5044375 Radiant Hope, Sombra's childhood friend/love interest from the comics.

5044679 That one, for me, is handsome. Well, that and King Sombra as he appears in the show and the fanart I see (which is clopart so I can't show it).

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