King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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666 stories! mwahahaha!!!
The time is nigh, praise your lord, the mighty King Sombra!

((image by Zedrin))

Hail King Sombra!

Tonight, the shadow lord will rule over the land and take his rightful place on the throne!

5045552 The number is actually 616. YOU MISSED YOUR QUOTA.

5045597 damn, that's a sweet picture

5045825 it said 666 at the time:fluttershysad:

5046012 That was actually done by a priest, I think, in the twelfth century? (I seriously can't remember) He thought that 616 was stupid and didn't make sense, so he changed it to 666.

5046031 Yeah. He simply thought that the number not being a repetition was weird.

Much earlier than that -- disagreement/confusion about the number is documented clear back to the 2nd century.

Also, 666 is not a repetition in the Greek numbering system used back then; the positional-decimal system wouldn't be used in the Mediterranean civilizations until much later. The Greeks used three different letters to stand for 600, 60, and 6, so they wrote "χξϛ" for 666 and "χιϛ" for 616.

(Currently the apocalypse has been postponed slightly; I removed a piece-of-crap story I should never have written, so the story count now stands at 665 again).

5046129 joke turned history lesson! I love the unpredictable!:rainbowlaugh:

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