King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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Shadow falls across Equestria! King Sombra stairs shall reach the heavens themselves! Not even the souls of ponykind in heaven itself shall be safe.

Arise! Army of darkness! Destroy all those who would oppose the rightful king of Equestria!

((image by dx8493489 ))

All hail the king!!

5054792 I got say this one....

Long live the King


There is no light that can destroy darkness.

To celebrate 1,000 members I have made a Sombra parody on the green lantern moto......

In darkest day, in blightest night.
No goodness shall escape his sight.
To those who worship the power of the light.
Beware our power and our king's deadly might.

Well what do you think?

5054829 green lantern hunter:pinkiecrazy:

5054829 Perfect! All hail our Powerful and Mighty King - he
who will rise above the weak rulers of Equestria and trample
them beneath his armored boots!

*Does a little dance*

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