King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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We all know that everypony's favorite plot device is known for being strong and silent, save for his famous catch phrase "YESSSS CRYSSSSSTALS!" But what else do we know about him? Precious little, that's what. This makes him ripe for fan interpretation, and for fan fiction.

I'm game for taking the plunge on this challenge, but I'm running into an issue. That issue is his speech pattern. I'm really big on regionalizing characters, using their accents or speech patterns to help determine where they come from. I'm wondering if perhaps Sombra has a speech impediment that he is embarrassed about (ie: SSSSSSSSSPEECH vs speech) or if he only gets that way when he's angry.

What I worry about is if it will annoy my readers to do a speech impediment or not. It's a little annoying to write, so I wonder if that annoyance will pass on to the readers. Here's a sample: Sombra began to chuckle wickedly as he walked up to the pool of lava, his horn still aglow with his submerging spell. “All the dragon hasss to do isss let go of the cryssstal, and he will resssurface,” he explained, watching as bubbles burst out of the lava surface. “Which begsss the quessstion. Which isss stronger, hisss greed or hisss will to live?”

Does this work, or would it be better to just have him hiss when he's angry?

Personally, I think him just hissing when he's angry would work best.

Group Admin

He can speak clearly as he said "No!" and "Stop".

Base his voice off this badass if you want.



When I write King Sombra, I feel that slurring his words is just too annoying for the reader. Instead, I like to use such phrases as "drawled" and "growled" and "chuckled menacingly" and "said slowly". I feel it's much more pleasant to read.

"Grrr... raaaah... crystalssss..."
He's more-or-less displeased of being trapped in ice for 1000 years, the way I see it he doesn't need to tell anypony how he's feeling through words because he's enough of a badass tyrant as he already is. It's great for those 'show not tell' types of descriptions for scenes

His voice could also depend on his form - when he consists of smoke it is less coherent and more ververberating, when he is solid it is simply deep. In the story I am currently writing I simply solve it via the font - he speaks like that in bold and cursive

Personally I always thought of him as somepony who would use The Royal We. That's how I hear him speaking in my head. I think his vocabulary would go a long way in giving a unique voice to him before adding a lot of s's or whatnot, particularly if no other character spoke that way. Well, maybe Luna. She would probably be the closest.

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