King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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Do you guys believe Sombra always had a heart 'as black as night' or do you think he was originally a pretty cool guy who lost his way after experimenting with Dark Magic?


I imagine him going to learn from Celestia and then finding out he was to become a maid. Which made him run away to the Crystal Empire and use his dark magic to annihilate dust bunnies.

In all seriousness, I like to imagine Sombra was a bit of a big figure who was "good" and then turned to evil by something unnatural.

1712173 My fic portrays him as a good guy who became evil because he had an addiction problem, so resorts to stealing and taking over the empire to feed it.


And that slippery slope is what corrupted him?

We don't know for sure. The upswing of Sombra being a characterless nothing of a character is that you can pretty much write him however you want and it will be valid


I realize that, I'm just curious on people's thoughts...

No one is born evil; that's my thought on the subject.


My personal bet was that dark magic corrupted him.

In the beginning he was an exceptionally talented unicorn, with the unique ability to manipulate crystals, and a lot of ambition.

When he started to practice dark magic, however, things quickly turned for the worse as he started to hear voices promising him power beyond his wildest dreams.

...And so, he began the road that would turn him into the tyrant of the Crystal Empire.

I think that Sombra was like Sauron, he used to be good until the Dark Lord Tricked him into joining him, His master taught him Dark magic which made him a little bit crazy and when his master was defeated Sombra remained loyal to him. . Later on Sombra found out about the Crystal Empire and that the crystal Heart could help him take over Equestria and he killed its rulers and the rest was history

My headcannon is that there was an original king who was the legitimate ruler.
He began studying dark magic in order to save his dead wife, it corrupted him turning him into a creature of shadows.
The Shadow king.

At least that's my take on it.

The idea I have for him is rather complicated. If anyone would like to hear, just pm me. The reason I'm doing this is because it's kinda lengthy.

He was smart to join the dark side/ dark magics.

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