King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,698 members · 1,388 stories
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That there should be a separate story folder on here for the King Sombra that appeared in The Beginning of the End Part 1 and 2?

I'm assuming cause it different from the comic.

It’d be helpful to have that, plus a comic folder. We have one for season five’s timeline.

I don't think that's necessary, because there's really no reason for that sort of thing. It's not a specifically canon AU like the Sombraverse, and there's no separate folder for comic Sombra, so why would we need a separate folder for the more talkative version of the main canon's Sombra?

Unless the stories are canon divergent, Beginning of the End and Crystal Empire Sombra are one and the same, whether people like it or not. There's no point in separating them.

EDIT: I'd sooner say a comic folder would make more sense, but separating the main Sombra's two personalities doesn't make sense to me... If you're writing his S9 self, aren't you also writing his S3 self?

I don't think it's really necessary, but a folder for the MLP comic would be ideal.

Yes I would think so, his personality completely changed in Season 9 to the extreme point that it could be seen as conflicting with his introduction. Season 9 also changed other aspects of his character, like that shadow thing he turns into has a vastly different appearance. S3/5 Sombra and S9 Sombra have different characters in how they act and I think it would be good to differentiate them.

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