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And a little something I came up with based on what I believe the first Fiendship is Magic issue was lacking.

“Amore calls this kingdom the Crystal Empire, yet all it happens to be is a patch of land that doesn’t stretch as far as the eye can see,” He said to himself while looking through a book on the kingdom’s history, “Is she truly so narrow-minded to the point of not grasping its key to immortality?”

“She rules it as merely a small kingdom, yet I see a potential for this Crystal City to become something far greater than what it is.” He finished with a slam of the book.

What do you guys think?

The immortality part I don't quite get, but maybe I'm misunderstanding. Immortality for the Empire, as in it lasting forever? Because at no point does Sombra seek immortality himself, though it can add more cliché motivation for him. Heck, he could arguably be immortal already, who knows how Umbrum work.

Overall would be good for a story though, perhaps another journal entry? The journal in Fiendship seems to have been written right before he was taken down, but I'm sure he had others before it.

So I'd say it certainly needs more added to it, but could make for something interesting.

"An empire that doesn't expand is a empire in decline, a nation to be devoured by that blasted sun princess, without me that is the fate of this nation, to be absorbed become nothing more then just another insignificant speck of equestria, not while i am the king, i proclaim as prophecy as long as i live the crystal empire will never be equestria's, i will rule and the empire will be mine and it will be equestria that is consumed by my shadow not the other way around"

"now my slaves rejoice"

"The Princess is dead Long Live the King"


The immortality part I don't quite get, but maybe I'm misunderstanding. Immortality for the Empire, as in it lasting forever?

What I particularly had in mind with that piece was this:

There are many countries in the world that faded into nonexistence, often either because they were destroyed or conquered by another. Or simply by becoming a part of it to where the country’s no longer something of its own. Sombra believes that if the Crystal Empire became part of Equestria, then it would not grasp whatever potential it’d reach if not for Amore being ruler: A kingdom over all kingdoms.

I love that piece you created yourself. It’s absolutely fitting for the character and aligns well with what I had in mind.

I will admit that the grammatical errors can be bothersome, but it inspired me to make an edited version to correct them.

well i am dyslexic and came up with it on the spot and grammar never been my strong point, but thanks i wanted to try a speech sombra would give while true, is twisted by his villainous world view

Alright, that makes sense, and even has a point in canon too. The Empire looks to have become a part of Equestria upon return, and in the War Timeline, the Crystal Empire is taking over things on its own.

A bit tropey, but it's good. - Funnily, that's how I'd describe Sombra. He's tropey in the comics, but a good character. Much more interesting to read about than Sauron rip-off Sombra or Wannabe Scar Sombra from Season 9.

Ironically, I always found Sombra to be more interesting in Season 9 than in the “Siege of the Crystal Empire” comics. A lot more faithful to his appearances in Seasons 3 & 5 too.

Sure, if that's what you think. To me, the only interesting thing S9 Sombra did was break the elements of harmony or at least what I'm assuming is their physical shell. He's whacky and fun in his own way, but he just ends up being a stereotypical 'bad guy conqueror'. Hey, you know who else fills that role in a much more compelling way? Chrysalis.

Why not just stick to the season 3 version while delving further into Sombra's effect as an entity in Equestria. Make him the boogieman. Make him terrifying. Make him what other villains aren't. Scary.


However, I definitely don’t want to make Sombra into a cringy and cliche tragic figure like the comics did. I could incorporate tragic aspects into him, but at the same time…I want to ensure that being tragic isn’t his only aspect.

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