King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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Is king Sombra a shadhavar?
shadhavar are also called evil unicorns like sombra, have cerved horns like sombra, thay eat meat so thay probably have sharp teeth like sombra, and thay have tearstreak markings and sombra has that stuff coming out his eyes

2070476 Finally! Someone who actually does research! :pinkiehappy: I've been calling King Sombra a Shadhavar in two of my main stories for a long time, it really fits perfectly with Sombra.

Huh. Need to look that up. Good catch.

2070484 Yay, I've read Longma, I like it, whats your other one with shadhavar-sombra?
I had a simuler idea of three luner tribes too the earth/pegasus/unicorn ponys before i read your work, I whent with shadhavar, thestral and kelpie(water ponies)
in my head they live in a massive under ground ecosistom, that dosent realy on sunlight at all.

Really now? A shadhavar now? Very interesting.

2070505 I guess it was never mentioned, but Sombra was a Shadhavar in my headcanon for my Dr. Who Crossover.

I guess since most of us knew what the changelings were or knew the lore behind them the writers figured we would guess what Sombra was. Apparently a lot of us didn't *shrug* but I think it fits pretty well. Like eerily well.

Well, it is official. In my story, I am going to call Sombra an shadhavar. Although in my headcanon, a shadhavar is a unicorn breed born from a Nightmare (a unicorn with inbred dark magic) and a alicorn. The pony version of a Nephilim (half-angel/half-demon).

Maybe there's an entire race of Shadhavar, in the same way as Bat Ponies or Crystal Ponies?':pinkiehappy:'

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