King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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I believe, everything is up. Because I want to present to you, what I believe, is the pinnacle of my writing skills . The story of Sombra's life!

From birth to impisonent. The story will be updated weekly with new chapters. Prepare for a ride - it's gonna be a big one!

2125683 Sorry, but I have other plans...

2126774 Crack ship that inspired me :raritywink:

2126779 Whatever. Does he kill her in the end?

2126781 I won't say, I don't spoil endings.

2126788 Then I say yes. because murder is fun

My Sombra story is going great!
Will he win? I ain't saying.
Will he be cocky? Oh, very much so. He has every right to be.

2170124 So, he's like a jackass teenager?

SombraPie is my OTP. Ah, crack pairings, how I love thee, let me count the ways!!!

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