King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I hope there's gonan be fan fiction of King Sombra leading an army of Ponies he turned evil using his dark magic!

491662 I've already got a bunch of Design Sketches for evil soldiers, and high ranking Officers, I'll upload them when i can.

Group Admin


Ah good. Great minds think alike.

Looking forward to it.

517843 Funny thing is, originally, i hadn't thought of them as Sombra's Soldiers, but I think they'll fit well.

Comment posted by JeckParadox deleted Jan 12th, 2013

I'd love to see that.

How about a corrupted Shining Armor to lead the army?

Sombra disproves some things the princesses told everyone about Equestria's history and Shining gradually loses faith in them. He gets Shining mad enough (at Sombra, at the princesses for possibly betraying Equestria, at himself for alternating reasons of doubting the princesses and trusting them to begin with) that he casts dark magic, which begins putting him more in line with Sombra's way of thinking.

I feel it would be better to corrupt him than outright mind-rape him, since mind-rape can be undone. Corruption however is a choice, and therefor very hard to turn someone back from.

In the end though true love would conquer all yadayadayada happy ending mlp style. xD
They'd just pull some cadence/twilight confrontation card sadly.

Not if Shining convinced himself that what he was doing is what's best for both Equestria and his family.

"No, you two are too close to those monsters to see them for what they are. You'll thank me when it's over."

4671731 Holy crapbaskets I NEED TO DO THIS IDEA! Who says there has to be a "true love" happy ending, though? Stick a dark tag on it, call it an AU and give me FIVE DAYS and once Shining tastes of the Sombra side of the Force, he'll never go back! lol

Anyhoo, NOT the original reason I came here this morning (gee thanks, Banchoking, for giving me YET ANOTHER DAMN IDEA for a story - just kidding!). I'm working on my next chapter of a story where Sombra's leading an army (albet a small one - more like a ground assault probably) and I have a question regarding pegasai. What would a team of pegasai be called? A flock? A squad? How would they and their dark leader refer to them when giving orders, *clearing voice for dark, evil Sombra tone* "Captain, send the fliers north to scout ahead.". Does this sound right? Any thoughts?

Sounds cool.

As for what they'd be called, I'd either go for a, "squad," or a, "murder," (the term for a flock of crows).

4671995 Hey what if Cadence becomes the reason for Shining Armor corruption. Like say she get murder and he get pushed over edge because it.

It an Idea I've got for a later story I planning to write eventually.

Cliché but it could be good if handled right.

Have him already starting to be corrupted, but not enough to notice. Then she dies in childbirth and he gets worse.

4985472 Reverse it. My idea is first Cadence loses the child because a disaster. This slowly shows Shining Armor some hidden anger. Then with disaster leaving Cadence in a weaken state, she get killed by an unknown villain. This pushes Shining Armor even more into anger. Then a mysterious Stallion appears to Shining Armor and reveals that disaster that took everything from him could been stopped by Celestia, but she didn't stop it. This pushes Shining Armor complete over the edge. And who happen to be there to catch him. None other the same stallion who told him the truth and later reveal himself King Sombra.

4985515 yeah I can't wait to write it. but unfortunately there a few more Story arcs I have go through before I can write that part in my universe. But don't worry what I am building up for will be epic.

Looking forward to it!

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