King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,702 members · 1,390 stories
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I think King Sombra And Queen Chrysalis would make a great couple, they are both evil so yes.

King Sombra Dead? His ghost fully regenerates his body back by an evil magical ritual performed by Chrysalis.

King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis along her Changeling Army to fight the forces of good.

Good fan fictions could be made from this.

491712 Why did I not find this before?! :raritydespair:

491712 Holy crap, I actually started to write a story like this :rainbowderp:

I don't normally do shipping. But I do like the idea of King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis getting together. Not out of love for each other, but so both sides could turn the other into their tool.

I like this pairing because they would make a great Villain Team Up.

I'm writing a story shipping these two, but mine will explain how they became the way they are rather than just going with them being straight up evil.

491712 Well, it just so happens that I already have one. (Shamless self promotion).

You may find it here.

I'm a major SombraxChrysalis shipper.

Honestly, I couldn't disagree more. Queen Chrysalis cares only for her people, feeding off of love to keep them fed. King Sombra is a wicked Fantasy-styled lord who only exists to lead the umbrum (Living Shadows) in a campaign against rest of Equestria. He is ruthless, cold, calculating, and vigilante. The Queen is much less cold and vigilante, but much more manipulative and arrogant. If they were to meet, not even their shared enemy would bring them together. King Sombra would be to smart and powerful to fall for Queens Chrysalis' deceptions and She would not be trusting of him because of his destructive purpose and dark heart. At best they would steer clear from each other. At worst, a changling/umbrum war would erupt, shaking all of Equestria.

4950336 Let's not forget that Chrysalis was the one who made everyone realize just how dangerous Sombra and the Umbrum were by fleeing as soon as she heard what was on its way...

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