King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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A thought just crossed my mind, what if King Sombra found a baby human and taught him/her how to use dark magic? :twilightsmile:

And this could make a great story to make when I have the time to do it. :twilightsheepish:

Ooooh! I love this idea!

2356365 This. I was just about to say that.

2356365 Um... Dark magic since Sombra is a Unicorn.

Actually they never named his magic dark and twilight used the same magic he did and it was called alicorn.

Try as you might the season killed that headcanon and you need to adapt.


2356711 Not your story idea but the destruction of the headcannon

Eh, no headcanon destruction needed, it's not like there can't be dark magic.

2356361 It would be interesting, but it will be before his banishment or after?

I missed the information about black magic being Alicorn magic. So Sombra has used Alicorn magic? I really want him to come back just because this information is kind of important.
Do you think that all Alicorns can do what Sombra did the magic change with the user?

2359107 Umm... before his banishment. And I don't know if he will return but we can only pray.

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