King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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In the season 4 opener Zecora makes some kind of potion to help Twilight figure out why these plants were popping up. She tells Twilight to use Alicorn magic on the potion. Twilight's horn glows purple, green and sparks with black magic energy. Similar to the magic used by King Sombra. So my question is:
Is the magic Sombra used Alicorn magic or has Alicorns been using dark magic this whole time! DISCUSS!!!

2499877 I think the writers just put that in there for continuity's sake. Why....I don't know, but that's my thought on it. Maybe it's forshadowing something big to come into the future like at the end of the lates mlp episode where Fluttershy still had that fang, and that shadow at the end of castle-mania with the glowing yellow eyes. Perhaps something big is on the way and that dark magic/alicorn magic Twilight used on the potion was meant as the first sign of foreshadowing or something. That's my theory. :pinkiesmile:

2499949 Hmmm that does make sense. What I wanna see is just more Sombra. What Im hoping is that he will return during the Equestria Games and crash the party. I hope Im not the only one who was begging for a flashback with Sombra during Discord's and Nightmare Moon's during the opener.

2499877 2499949
ok first of all Sombra's magic was never explicitly stated to be dark magic. We the fans just all kinda assumed it was dark magic since well you know it was evil magic.
Now, as for Twi using Sombra's magic, I admit I was surprised as well, but after putting some thought into it I came to a few conclusions. either:

1. An animator was having some fun and decided to spice up Twilight's magic for that moment or to make it look 'cooler'. Animators have been known to add their own things in if they want to have a little fun. Like in Sleepless in Ponyville, when Scootaloo goes to touch Luna and she "touches" a small barrier and it wavers. That was an animator spicing things up, the writer didn't specify to do that, but they thought it would be fun to add it in. Same thing for MMMystery on the Friendship express, the animators weren't told to make Pinkie and Twilight swap hats, they just did it cuz it was funny. So that's one possibility: an animator had some extra time and wanted to make Twilight's magic use more interesting.

2. Sombra's magic isn't dark magic. and the magic Twilight used wasn't "alicorn magic". Zecora meant that only magic from an alicorn could trigger the potion. There is no specific magic category called Alicorn Magic, but an Alicorn's magic is probably more powerful on its own and contains a special "code" different from any old unicorns magic, kind of like how different chemical companies products have different 'coding' (I can't remember the specific word right now) even if they the same product. Now why Twi's aura was all inky and sombra-y, she was straining so she was summoning up a lot of magical energy, the last time she strained that hard was when she was trying to find the Crystal Heart with dark magic so maybe it was a slip up. She cast the right spell, but she was straining so hard her aura turned all sombra-y.

3. Sombra was a very powerful unicorn, perhaps being so powerful changed his magical aura. Perhaps once one becomes powerful enough their magic changes. Kind of how Gandalf's from Lord of the Rings appearance changes after he 'ascends' into a higher and more powerful wizard in the second book/movie. So perhaps that change in magic meant that he was as about as powerful as an alicorn. Celestia no doubt is as powerful if not more than Sombra which may be why she could do it too, and we all know Twi is pretty freaking powerful *cough* Cutie Mark Chronicals *cough*.

and lastly 4. Using the idea that what was meant by "Alicorn Magic" is just magic used by an alicorn, the spell called for the potion to change. so perhaps the spell was an alchemy spell, and maybe alchemy spells look like that.

So there's a couple theories, I made that last one up as I was writing the other 3 so pardon if it's not as clear. So No. I don't think Twilight was using "dark magic", but she wasn't using "alicorn magic" either. Only an Alicorn's magic would be powerful enough to change that potion, so that's just what she did. The reason it was the way it was, was probably just the way the spell she used looked like. Kinda how her magic was different when she was changing Rarity in Sonic Rainboom and giving her butterfly wings, her magic was different, it looked like a cocoon. So that's my two cents.

Meghan McCarthy said he was really dead and never coming back.

2500264 These are all sound theories,

I know Megan MecCarthy said that but heres to hoping he does make a reappearance.

Why thank you, :twilightsmile: worked hard on them. I personally think it's either 1 or 2 with a combination of 4.

I highly doubt it. What she says goes. Also, the guy was practically imploded. I don't think he'll be able to come back. I'm no Sombra hater, I thought he was pretty boss, I'm just kinda neutral on the whole idea. I like to think that perhaps the Alicorn Amulet was made out of the remnants of his horn, just a thought. Also, he wasn't a very popular character, so I don't think the staff would think it''d make a good episode. But, that's why we have groups like this :pinkiesmile: I guess we can hope, but I don't think it's likely

2500389 Im leaning towards 3 and 4

Party pooper! But your probably right. I was just so disappointed hearing that and I was really hoping he would make a reappearance. He is actually my fav villain. The only thing that hints at his return is the bio for his trading card! Maybe I'll right a fanfic about him ruining the Equestria Games or something.

2499981 To be true I have pondered this for a while. As you can see from the Crystal Empire episode not only did Celestia use Dark magic, but Twilight too. During this season Twilight was still a unicorn. So was Sombra (as far as I know that is cannon). Making that (also as far as I know) unicorn's and Alicorn's can use Dark magic. The Alicorn Amulet seems to be something Sombra used. The Alicorn Amulet can be worn by any pony (or species).

Like so:

- If worn by Unicorn, their power will spike immensely by magical standard's. Or by Alicorn, they should have lived long enough of how Dark magic work's. Hence the reason why Celestia know's about this.

- If worn by Earth Pony, It may give them a focus-point, like a horn for a unicorn, and use the amulet to flow their inner magic into the amulet , making them have a use with 'physical' magic than passive, like their enhanced ability to farm. Granting them the power to grow crystal's from the ground.

- Finally Pegasi, I'm not quite sure, how, their ability would make such a difference. Their wing's might be another type of focus point (maybe one that you don't need to focus at all just a passive). So they could not just channel their inner magic, but maybe even pull magic from the amulet. Such as a spell to make their wing's sprout an energy-like sword made of Dark magic, or make them into that cloud thing. And so on...

Conclusion: As long as the bearer has The Alicorn Amulet all types of species can use Dark magic, But maybe with a focus or just simple training they can use Dark magic a with or without a direct focus-point. Plus I think Sombra is NOT an Alicorn but a Unicorn. He is just the only one that we know that can use pure Dark magic (not counting Twilight, sure she is very powerful Unicorn only to Harmony magic, not Dark.

That's my theory is to this conspiracy. :pinkiehappy:

2500541 same herei loved sombra

2501387 I fail to see Sombra making a comeback seeing as how he was BLOWN UP at the premier of season three. Remember the crystal ponies glowing, the castle shooting off a large beam and Sombra shattering to pieces. how would he come back from that? I'm sorry people but Sombra is gone. Queen Chrysalis however could make a comeback at some point since she was just flung out of the kingdome and not blown up.

For all we know, Sombra could come back, after all, if I remember right, he was strong enough to fight the Alicorns sisters and banish the empire during one thousand years until he came back. Even if he is currently dead, for a unicorn as strong as him, it may just be temporary. Since he was pretty much just a big cloud of darkness, maybe the shadow at the end of Castle Mane-ia was what is left of him. Being a ghost does mean you are dead after all.

2503145 Its just wishful thinking man.
2503245 I was thinking the exact same thing during that episode!

2503395 Thanks'!

Continuing this debate, I actually think that the writer's (or those people that make the story's) MIGHT bring him back... But that's just hope. But yeah! I wonder, what if Sombra is alive? but weakened from... you know... Exploding (bow-chika-bow-wow) And know's about Twilight becoming an Alicorn (from the comic "A Somber Meeting") having the event's from that comic come out into cannon (and also kid friendly it) When he is just weak enough to enter a dream scape or just become a spirit. And no, not the cloud form. Just transparent. Try to get the inner darkness in Twilight and spike the magic flow of the dark magic. Since she IS a noob at dark magic, he would need some time to make this plan succeed. I also agree that when you ARE a ghost you are not COMPLETLY dead. More like there in the 'Spirit Realm' to monitor the living. :pinkiegasp: Or he just cast another curse in the Crystal Empire, but much less noticeable!

Ohhh! I think I got something here!

2503916 GENIUS!!!

I demand you to write a fic!!

2503929 Again Thanks'!

Yeah... That may not happen. I AM still a rookie at writing. And I'm still working on a crossover fic on Minecraft. Anyway's Speaking of the spell... What do you think the spell will be anyways?:rainbowhuh:

2503977 WEEELLLLL I came up with a more OUT THERE theory when I saw that opener.

My theory is that Alicorn magic was always this dark. It turns out the benevolent rulers of Equestria aren't as good as we all thought. Maybe Sombra tried to copy the magic of the Alicorns and became corrupted by it! ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!

Most likely not but it could be an interesting Dark or AU fic

Hmm maybe the curse you mentioned is a mind altering spell. Everyone thinks that he's been defeated but in reality he won! Or perhaps he planted seeds of evil into Twilight when she first tried dark magic and it is now becoming stronger since shes an Alicorn!

2505432 How would you describe your out there theory?

As for the Alicorn thing. When she was unicorn still, she needed more time to used just a single beam of dark magic. From the S4 E2 Episode, I'm pretty sure that it took LESS time to use that single beam of magic. So your theory of the seed's are or may be a possibility!

Another thing is that from the Crystal Empire, did Celestia say that there was a CORRUPTED king and en-slaved the ponies in the process! So... yeah :rainbowwild:

Just imagine the possibility's Sombra has! He is an entirely different Villain! He made a trap made out for a universe of fear! And if spike wasn't there... Twilight would have been stuck there in her Night-mare universe. How would you like to live a literal living nightmare?:fluttershbad:

2508694 It was the conspiracy theory. What if it turns out everything is backwards. The Alicorns are the evil ones and the villains were the good guys. The Alicorns try to make sure there is harmony in the land and anyone who disrupts that harmony is banished or destroyed. You are forced to follow these monarchs and their beliefs in what a true utopia looks like!

OMG:pinkiegasp::rainbowderp::twilightoops: youre right!

He is so awesome!

No the reason why the magic looked like dark magic was lazy artists.

2511226 Or it as simply Dark Magic. :ajbemused:

2509008 not just that about the harmony being evil. I Agree at that! Hear me out: The amount of Harmony in their world is literally un-holly! It is thrown the off balance of their good vs evil. Evil may just need to make the whole entire universe safe by putting chaos or evil in their world.

So in conclusion: The good in that universe is destroying others in second's from the balance being tipped. HOLY SHI* CELESTIA IS DESTOYING UNIVERSES JUST BY EXISTING!? :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

But I jest.:pinkiesad2: It is a theory:twilightangry2:

2512864 Wait, How many times did I let your mind get blown or just simply write genius?

2511908 Oh... ok...:fluttershysad: jk, alright just here to speak from the thread.

2514556 A LOT!!

Hey come on don't get down speak your mind!

So! How do you think this 'Story' that you would like to see? (No I may not be able to do it. I'm still working on another story I take things one-at-a-time So im very sorry and PLEASE don't hurt me. :fluttershyouch:)

And I'm guessing that you like how I think, But enough of that, Sombra is a VERY powerful unicorn, but still a unicorn. AS I said before that Celestia said he was corrupted king. Meaning that he was GOOD once. Harmony magic mustn't be new to our villan over here. The only reason that he was defeated in a grueling way in a 'PG' show is because he was in his corrupted form making his physic and physical body weakened. When he was near enough to the heart his shadow form was gone and I'm pretty sure that his growing crystal stopped. Love is the very bane of Hatred. He is both Physical and Mental so yeah. Plus if he DOES die. Even gods know that you can NEVER kill a very important being that represents good or evil. It will only backfire or destroy you world. Now you don't want that do you Celestia? WELL NEWS FLASH!!! YOU ARE ALREADY KILLING BILLONS IN SECONDS! :flutterrage:

2503145 his horn survived and at the time he is made of shadows

2532732 We'll need more than that bro.

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