King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Is a fic still qualified to be posted here if Sombra is only involved for a single story arc in the larger plot?

Also, does this group allow fics where Sombra is the villain? The frontpage summary made me think that a fic that hates on Sombra wouldn't be welcome, so I thought I'd ask.


All types of fan fiction related to King Sombra are welcome.

I didn't think this was very ambiguous. :twilightsheepish:

Boy, is my face red.

2626727 Seems to be several other colors, too! =p

I'm sure its fine Sombra's son is the main villian in mine and he marries Trixie there has been very little with the evil king in mine at the moment but in chapter 8 he comes in

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