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3141513 They remain personal questions for now but I'll be asking for the opinions of others about them at a later date. I like to consider King Sombra as a blank slate since he had to become, in a way, "child friendly". If we went by where Celestia was initially describing well, think of the nightmares the younger audience would have. Then there's the backlash from the parents. We don't need more of that crap.

3141586 Ah. I see what you are getting at my good sir or madam. Also, what do you think of the evil versions of Celestia and Luna shown in the images I've provided you with?

3141614 At this time, they only trigger my "oh great, here's the alternate universe where everyone's evil" sense.

3141618 Not EVERYONE. I mean, you saw the alternate Chrysalis right?

3141636 The "evil clone universe" typically makes good guys bad and bad guys good. This is under the premise that there is a good-evil axis where you would essentially swap the labels to create the alternate universe. Interestingly, based on the image, Spike doesn't seem to change...

3141643 Would that make Spike a true neutral though? Also, how do you like the designs of the evil Celestia and evil Luna?

3141666 They scream "evil double" and especially in Luna's case since it isn't just NMM on that side of the mirror.

3141671 Yeah. Also, their cutie marks have taken the form of a lunar eclipse for evil Luna and a solar eclipse for evil Celestia. They actually made the evil alternate Luna look more evil than Nightmare Moon.


Evil Luna
bathing in the blood of newborn foals.

*shudders* THAT'S an image I'll never get out of my brain.

nastier than Nightmare Moon

No kidding. Also, is it bad that I like this evil Luna better than the real Luna?


No kidding. Also, is it bad that I like this evil Luna better than the real Luna?

Villains are interesting because they do things to advance the plot, usually in ways more extreme than Heroes because they are less Fettered by moral considerations. I strongly suspect that if they were both real, you would rather have Good Luna in your vicinity than Evil Luna, though. Do you really want an amoral (or worse, immoral) Alicorn around?

3143849 Yeah, if they were both real, I'd prefer having the good Luna with me. Also, how do you think a fight between the evil Luna and Nightmare Moon would go?


Evil Luna would win, because Nightmare Moon is too internally-conflicted.

Comment posted by Chaos51268 deleted Mar 25th, 2014

3143912 Yeah, you're right. Also, do you think the Elements of Harmony will be changed in the mirror universe?


Good point. The Elements would logically have to be their opposites, since I would imagine that their Bearers would represent the vices opposite to their normal virtues.

3147667 Yeah. I think mirror Applejack would be the Element of Deciet, mirror Pinkamena would be the Element of Depression, mirror Rarity would probably be the Element of Greed, mirror Rainbow Dash would probably be the Element of Betrayal, mirror Fluttershy would be the Element of Cruelty, and as for mirror Twilight Sparkle... I'm not sure what to call her evil Element.

and as for mirror Twilight Sparkle... I'm not sure what to call her evil Element.

"Enmity," or "Malediction?"

3147805 What do those words even mean?


"Enmity" is the emotion one manifests toward an enemy, as "Friendship" is the emotion one manifests toward a friend. "Malediction" (literally "bad-speaking") is the use of magic to harm another.

3148099 Ah, I see. Yeah, those sound like good opposites of the Element of Magic.


One could even argue that "Magic" is itself neutral -- we've seen both Celestia and Twilight cast black magic before -- but that the "Enmity/Friendship" axis is the important one. Excellent examples of a potential Magic Element Bearer who lacks "Friendship" both exist in canon: a neutral one (Trixie) who isn't particularly evil but can't connect with others, and an evil one (Sunset) who connects with others to dominate them.

Comment posted by Chaos51268 deleted Mar 30th, 2014

Heck yeah! I'm soooooooooo excited for this comic!

3148199 Very good points. Also, now that I think about it, shouldn't Twilight have some form of corruption in her true self after using black magic and after Sunset used the Element of Magic?

Yes YES YES YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :rainbowwild: :rainbowwild: :rainbowwild: :raritystarry: :raritystarry: :raritystarry:

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